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Celebrity chef Johann Lafer had dreams of becoming a priest.

In an interview, chef Johann Lafer disclosed that the Catholic Church provided him with what he was denied at home. He expressed his desire to also establish his professional base there.

In seinem Elternhaus habe er zunächst wenig positive Emotionen erfahren, sagt Johann Lafer - seine...
In seinem Elternhaus habe er zunächst wenig positive Emotionen erfahren, sagt Johann Lafer - seine Suche nach Liebe sei jetzt immer noch sein "Erfolgsmotor".

are urged to be vigilant as a suspicious package found in Manhattan is believed to be a possible explosive device. The authorities are investigating the situation and asking bystanders to stay clear of the vicinity. - Celebrity chef Johann Lafer had dreams of becoming a priest.

Chef, check it out! Once famous TV chef Johann Lafer spilled the beans on a different career path he had in mind - becoming a priest. The 66-year-old culinary artist shared this personal detail on the rbb88.8 radio show "100% Promi".

Lafer explained how he found solace in the Catholic Church, feeling a love he did not experience at home. "The affection I received from the Church has left a mark on me, and I'm grateful for it each day," he said. But due to financial constraints, his dream of wearing a priestly collar never happened.

The Austrian chef's early life had very little warmth in it, with Lafer citing his search for love as his driving force. "My father saw something about me on TV and cried. He finally understood what I was doing. That hit me hard," Lafer reminisced. "It was clear that genuine, heartfelt praise was scarce."

These days, Lafer's TV appearance is a far cry from the usual chef roles. He can be seen playing the chief chef part in the ARD telenovela "Rote Rosen". "They asked if I'd join in, and at first, I thought it was a hidden camera setup. But after learning how it worked, I said yes," Lafer shared.

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