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US vessels stationed in Gazan waterway

Sea-transported aid deliveries

Relief supplies can be forwarded to Gaza via the port without US soldiers entering the war zone.
Relief supplies can be forwarded to Gaza via the port without US soldiers entering the war zone.

US vessels stationed in Gazan waterway

A makeshift US harbor for delivering aid to Gaza has been set up. Relief goods will be reloaded onto the ship and handed over to aid organizations operating in a dock controlled by Israel.

US troops have finished constructing a temporary port for sending aid to the Gaza Strip. The soldiers anchored it in the morning, according to the US Central Command. They stated that no US soldiers had stepped foot in the Gaza Strip. The first aid shipments are scheduled to be delivered soon, with assistance from the UN.

Due to logistical and weather-related challenges, this floating pier is designed to increase the number of relief supplies available to Palestinians in the coastal region. However, it is meant to supplement, rather than replace, the more cost-effective land deliveries, which aid organizations prefer. The goods will be stored in a port facility controlled by Israel, southwest of Gaza City, before being distributed by humanitarian groups.

US soldiers will not set foot in Gaza, as US officials have repeatedly emphasized. However, they acknowledged the potential danger of being so close to the conflict zone. A security plan for American personnel has been devised in collaboration with Israel, said Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, deputy commander of the US Central Command. "We are confident that these security measures will safeguard those involved."

Floating harbor to ensure continuous aid delivery

A cargo ship loaded with 475 pallets of food set sail from Cyprus last week and met up with the US warship "Roy P. Benavidez" off the coast of Gaza. The food supplies on the US-flagged "MV Sagamore" were transferred onto the "Benavidez." The Pentagon explained that this process was intended to get the relief supplies out as soon as the temporary port was operational.

Since the closure of border crossings to Gaza by Israel, numerous land-based aid convoys have been targeted and plundered in recent months. As a result, the US started dropping aid by air and announced in March that it would create a floating port next to the Hamas-controlled port in Gaza City.

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