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The spread of Anett extends into neighboring nations - eastward flooding could potentially occur.

Potentially, as much as 400 liters could be achievable.

Intense downpours are forecasted for the Alpine area, Poland, and the Czech Republic.
Intense downpours are forecasted for the Alpine area, Poland, and the Czech Republic.

The spread of Anett extends into neighboring nations - eastward flooding could potentially occur.

Disturbing weather patterns emerging south and east of Germany in the near future. Temperatures have already plummeted below freezing at altitudes over 1000 meters, and meteorologist Björn Alexander from ntv predicts an abundance of rainfall will follow. Such precipitation is likely to flow into Germany via the Elbe and Oder rivers. What kind of weather situation are we looking at?

Björn Alexander: A cold air mass originating from the polar regions has swept across Germany and the Alps, triggering the formation of another low-pressure system over the Gulf of Genoa. This weather pattern, known as "Anett" or "Boris" internationally, will bring heavy rainfall to parts of Europe.

Which regions will experience the effects of "Anett" and Boris?

The low-pressure system is projected to move northwards from North Italy, impacting Austria, the Czech Republic, and South Poland. Significant precipitation, which might turn into snow in mountainous regions, is a possibility. The transition line between rain and snow will be around 1200 meters in the Alps on Saturday, although some valleys may experience snowfall at lower altitudes due to the intensity of the rainfall.

How much snowfall can we expect in the Alps?

The snowstorm could bring up to 50 to 100 centimeters of new snow to the high altitudes in the Central to Eastern Alps. In some peaks, even larger accumulations cannot be ruled out. The result will be slippery roads, winter conditions, and a substantial risk of snowbreakage, as well as accumulated drifts and transport of snow due to strong winds.

What kind of temperature drop should we expect in the highlands?

At altitudes of 2000 meters, temperatures dropped from 5 to 10 degrees on Wednesday, now hovering around or below minus 3 degrees in some areas. A similar trend is observed at 3000 meters, with temperatures dropping from above 0 to minus 10 degrees, and wind chill factors below minus 15 degrees.

What can we expect from the rain in the lowlands?

Low-pressure systems tend to produce the heaviest rainfall we are familiar with in Germany and Central Europe. As "Anett" advances north-eastward from North Italy, new rain records might be set, as was the case in August 2002, when 312 liters per square meter fell in Zinnwald-Georgenfeld (Erzgebirge).

What type of water masses can we anticipate from "Anett"?

The magnitude of the precipitation could reach around 300 to 400 liters per square meter in certain areas, such as eastern Austria, the Czech Republic, and South Poland. This could result in severe to catastrophic flooding in the coming days.

What amount of rainfall should we expect in Germany?

The heaviest rainfall is predicted in our region along the Alps, with up to 100 to 200 liters per square meter by Monday evening. The Erzgebirge and southern Saxony regions may also receive rainfall up to around 100 liters, posing a risk of localized flooding and landslides.

What are the flood risks in our region?

Heavy precipitation is not expected to pose a significant flood risk in the south, specifically along the Danube, due to the rivers' residual capacity and the fact that a substantial portion of the precipitation will fall as snow.

Regarding the east, what can we expect?

In the east, the precipitation from Czechia and Poland is a significant factor, as the Elbe, Oder, and Neiße rivers run through these regions. Although predictions are uncertain due to uncertainties in detailed precipitation forecasts, it is evident that our neighboring countries will face unsettling days. Based on current information, we can expect to be less severely affected.

What does our weekend weather forecast entail?

Saturday will be grey and wet south of the Danube, with persistent rain and snow above 1000 to 1200 meters. The eastern half may also experience a lively to stormy wind. Elsewhere in the country, the weather will be more favorable, with fewer showers. Temperatures will barely reach 5 or 6 degrees at the Alps, while reaching up to 18 degrees with sunshine in the northern west.

And on Sunday?

Rain in the south might ease off at times. The east may remain rainy, while the west is expected to be changeable with occasional showers. The best conditions will be along the North Sea. Temperatures will remain cool everywhere, with below 9 degrees at the Alps, and wind temperatures between 13 and 19 degrees elsewhere.

Where will our journey head into next week?

Monday will be mostly changeable or grey, before improving from Tuesday onward. The forecasts indicate a significant improvement with increasingly sunny and noticeably warmer weather, with the north potentially reaching the summer temperature of 25 degrees. Elsewhere, temperatures will slightly drop, but still remain above 10 degrees, with an increase in east wind speeds.

The European Union, as a neighboring continent, might also experience some effects from the weather systems "Anett" and "Boris". The precipitation could extend beyond Central Europe, potentially impacting areas within the EU.

Given the heavy rainfall forecasted in Germany and the potential for severe flooding, the European Union's environmental agencies and disaster response teams should be prepared to provide assistance if needed.

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