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The Pentagon's leader momentarily ceases running a business.

Required surgical procedure

US Secretary of Defense Austin is briefly absent due to surgery.
US Secretary of Defense Austin is briefly absent due to surgery.

The Pentagon's leader momentarily ceases running a business.

The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, needs to undergo another medical operation. This will take place at Walter Reed Military Hospital on Friday night. While he recovers, he'll pass on his responsibilities to his deputy, Kathleen Hicks. Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder mentioned that Austin's bladder issues aren't linked to his previous cancer diagnosis and won't affect his cancer prognosis.

Lloyd Austin, who's 70, was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in December. Since then, he's struggled with bladder problems. The procedure scheduled for Friday evening is planned to be minimally invasive, and no further details will be shared until after the operation takes place.

In the past, there have been concerns surrounding the public's lack of knowledge about Austin's health issues. Many questioned why he kept his prostate cancer and hospital stay secret, even from US President Joe Biden. As a result, an internal investigation was launched by the Pentagon to ensure proper communication channels betweenSecretary Austin and the White House and Congress in the event of any future health problems.

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