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That's what's happening on the soap operas today.

17:30, RTL: Among Us

- That's what's happening on the soap operas today.

Tobias and Vivien are concerned when Leo suddenly develops a rash. Stinker could be the cause. Inspired by Amelie, Ronja wonders what role Henry plays in her life. A gift could bring clarity, but instead causes confusion. Bambi hopes his mother will soon settle in Cologne, while Susanne gains a new perspective through Matilda.

19:05, RTL: All That Counts

While Deniz tirelessly works to restore the ice rink's glory, Justus prefers to enjoy his private pleasures. Isabelle and Kilian want to focus on their daily lives, but Yannick can't let go of what happened. Miray finds it hard to let go of the thought of Lars, but Lucie comes up with the crucial idea at the last minute.

19:40, RTL: Good Times, Bad Times

Maren and Michi quickly dismiss the idea of a possible inheritance, despite the house being tempting. Emily wants to be more relaxed during Katrin's absence, but Katrin works late into the night, even though she desperately needs a break.

In the world of television soap operas, a character's sudden rash might be a plot twist, similar to the mysteries in shows like 'Television soap operas'. After a heart-to-heart conversation, Peter starts questioning his role in Sophia's life, reflecting on the intricate relationships portrayed in 'Television soap operas'.

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