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SPD Members Propose Action to Acknowledge Palestine's Status

No single-sided movement forward.

Security for Israel and Palestinian self-determination go hand in hand for SPD foreign policy...
Security for Israel and Palestinian self-determination go hand in hand for SPD foreign policy expert Stegner.

SPD Members Propose Action to Acknowledge Palestine's Status

Norway, Ireland, and Spain voice their desire to acknowledge Palestine as an independent nation. Israel's response is firm. Simultaneously, the SPD, a political faction in Germany, shows support for this idea.

The SPD group in the German parliament is discussing options for Germany to recognize Palestine. Ralf Stegner, a foreign policy expert, believes, "Peace can only be attained when Israel's security and the Palestinian people's autonomy coexist." He stresses the significance of Germany's diplomatic efforts to achieve this scenario rather than hastily jumping into recognition on its own.

Isabel Cademartori, an SPD member of parliament, contends, "The recognition of Palestine as a state is a crucial initial step toward securing a long-lasting solution to the Middle East crisis. This ultimately envisions the existence of a Palestinian state that doesn't pose a threat to Israel's security." This notion aligns with the rising trend among European countries toward supporting Palestine's statehood.

The EU - specifically Spain, Norway, and Ireland - has voiced its intention to recognize Palestine. Additionally, France and Poland expressed similar sentiments during the UN General Assembly vote.

Israel reacted angrily to this shift in European perspectives. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz withdrew the Israeli ambassadors from Ireland and Norway. Katz rationalized this decision, "Ireland and Norway aim to convey a message to the Palestinians and the entire world: Terrorism is rewarded." Consequently, he cautioned that Palestinian state recognition could adversely impact efforts to free the Israeli hostages held captive in Gaza.

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