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Spain denies docking permission for ships transporting weapons to Israel.

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The national flag of Spain - The country recorded the strongest growth in the eurozone in the...
The national flag of Spain - The country recorded the strongest growth in the eurozone in the second quarter.

Spain denies docking permission for ships transporting weapons to Israel.

The Spanish left-wing government plans to bar cargo vessels carrying weapons for Israel from entering their ports. The Danish ship "Marianne Danica" was turned away for May 21st, as disclosed by Transport Minister Oscar Puente on Twitter. Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares commented to reporters in Brussels, "The Middle East currently doesn't need more weapons; it needs more peace."

Spain is among the most vocal critics in Europe of Israel's military campaign against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The government had previously suspended arms exports to Israel in October, an action implied by the latest decision to ban all cargo ships loaded with weapons for Israel.

The debate over the issue flourished in Spain on Tuesday. The German ship "Borkum" was due to dock in the eastern Spanish port of Cartagena this Friday. Pro-Palestinian movements and opponents of the Israeli government urged Madrid to block the ship or detain it, as it carried weapons for Israel. However, several government ministers disputed this accusation and maintained that the ship's ultimate destination was the Czech Republic.

The far-left party Podemos, nonetheless, petitioned the Constitutional Court in Madrid. Despite insistent investigations, Defense Minister Margarita Robles reassured everyone that the "Borkum" had all the needed documents. Nevertheless, she underscored the Spanish stance, "We demand an immediate truce," as what is happening in Gaza is "completely unacceptable."

By Friday, the Spanish state television network, RTVE, reported that the German ship would now be transported to Gaza at the discretion of the shipping company, despite having legal clearance. Note: hyperlinks have been omitted in this paraphrased version.

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