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Separatists are predicted to lose in the Catalonia voting.

Socialists emerge triumphant.

The projections must have shaken some people.
The projections must have shaken some people.

Separatists are predicted to lose in the Catalonia voting.

In the recent elections held in Catalonia, the outcome exemplified success for the Socialists and a mere disappointment for the separatists. These initial projections portray the separatist parties losing their parliamentary majority. In this ongoing vote count, they currently hold 62 out of 135 parliamentary positions.

The major victor of this election was undoubtedly the Socialist Party. With their leading candidate, Salvador Illa, they gained nine seats and were the most dominant force in the political arena. Earlier predictions, based on post-election polls, had conveyed a possibility of a majority for the separatists. RTVE, a television channel, estimated results showing the Socialists progressively leading with 41 seats, an increase from their 33 seats earlier.

The separatist former leader Carles Puigdemont and his party, Junts, won 36 seats – four more than in the previous election in 2021. On the other hand, the Partit d'Esquerra Republicana, a left-wing party previously led by Pere Aragones, a separatist, dropped drastically from 33 seats to a mere 20. Spain's largest opposition party, the Partido Popular (PP), which typically struggles in Catalonia, significantly improved by eleven seats to a total of 14.

The right-wing populist party, Vox, managed to maintain their previous result with 11 seats. Left-wing alliance Comuns-Sumar, which currently governs in Madrid alongside the Socialists, decreased by two seats to just 6. Left-wing separatist party CUP also faced a substantial decline, falling from 9 seats to only 4, while the new, far-right separatist party Aliança Catalana secured two representatives in the parliament of Barcelona.

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