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Reporters face discomfort as they're being spotlighted in the Trump hush money trial.

The trial concerning Donald Trump's hush money payments is placing journalists in a tricky situation, revealing the intricate dynamics between reporters and their sources.

This court sketch shows former President Donald Trump, Judge Juan Merchan and Michael Cohen at...
This court sketch shows former President Donald Trump, Judge Juan Merchan and Michael Cohen at Manhattan Criminal Court on May 16, 2024 in New York City.

Reporters face discomfort as they're being spotlighted in the Trump hush money trial.

Michael Cohen, speaking during his testimony, mentioned various media figures during his statements, casting a light on their connections with the former Trump fixer.

He named Maggie Haberman of The New York Times and Katy Tur from MSNBC as reporters with whom he had built relationships. He claimed, without proof, that ABC News' John Santucci tried to purchase the rights to Stormy Daniels' story. Cohen also talked about his numerous phone calls with media figures, including former CNN head Jeff Zucker.

It is not uncommon for reporters to establish links with sources. This is often a sign of a successful journalist and does not suggest receiving commands or publishing unchecked facts. Reputable news networks like ABC News do not pay for interviews. However, arranging a meeting with a renowned personality is a usual practice. And speaking to a source on the phone while the other person is secretly recording reveals more about that person than the reporter.

Several actions Cohen mentioned seem to be regular situations in journalism. Although some might consider these actions unethical, these are standard practices in the industry. For instance, Maggie Haberman, who has been a determinative figure in reporting on Trump, has had a long history of revealing Trump's corruption, uncovering his secrets, and exposing his authoritarian characteristics. In return, Trump has been making countless hostile remarks towards Haberman. Assuming Haberman works as Trump's stenographer is absurd.

To obtain information about "Trump-world," reporters sometimes need to develop tough ties with sources, which are often fraught with shady individuals. Sharing politeness with these sources is not unusual or unethical. While it's not a requirement for journalists to print everything sources send them, they can still develop cordial relations that promote a smooth flow of information. In turn, if the journalist discerns a story worthy of publication, it can be disseminated publicly.

Moreover, some top journalists covering Trump's sphere are entangled in complex pasts with major figures in this case. A witness like Cohen, or a lawyer like Todd Blanche, might be keen on presenting reporters in an undesirable light.

The trial of Trump's hush money has become a sort of projective test. People fixate on what they want to see, disregarding any contradictory evidence. A subset of the public that perceives some media people to be overly close to Trump-related characters have found further confirmation in Cohen's discussion of media relationships, further solidifying their opinion.

It is not surprising that reporters are involved in the trial given Trump's efforts to use the media as a villain in his ongoing show. By introducing verbal assaults, he made journalists the main characters of his narrative. As a result, with Trump facing a criminal trial, journalists continue to have a front-row seat in the proceedings they are covering.

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