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Reason for collapse of supermarket roof still unclear

The roof of a business in Ratzeburg partially collapses. There are twelve injured. Shortly after the incident, investigators have no new findings.

Rescue crews are facing the collapsed supermarket roof in Ratzeburg.
Rescue crews are facing the collapsed supermarket roof in Ratzeburg.

- Reason for collapse of supermarket roof still unclear

Following the collapse of a supermarket roof in the Schleswig-Holstein town of Ratzeburg, the cause remains unknown. Investigations are ongoing, a spokesperson for Ratzeburg Police Directorate confirmed. Authorities still estimate twelve minor injuries.

The roof partially collapsed on Tuesday afternoon, but did not completely cave in. Due to the remaining part being at high risk of collapse, the building is off-limits. Emergency services found no one under the debris. "Thankfully, everyone managed to get out in time," a police spokesperson stated.

Despite the quick evacuation, the incident could have resulted in more severe injuries or even fatalities.Strict safety measures should be implemented to prevent future accidents in similar structures.

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