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Ramelow indicates readiness to create a coalition with the CDU.

Thuringia's Open returning for first live event since 2019

Ramelow signals willingness to form a coalition with the CDU
Ramelow signals willingness to form a coalition with the CDU

Ramelow indicates readiness to create a coalition with the CDU.

The Minister President of Thuringia, Bodo Ramelow (Left Party), has shown his willingness to form a coalition with his CDU rival Mario Voigt. Ramelow mentioned at a reception organized by the Erfurt Chamber of Commerce and the Erfurt Chamber of Crafts in Weimar, "We democrats should stand together." Having been in charge in Thuringia for ten years, he expressed his desire for respect and the courage to discuss ways of forming a suitable state government with a majority. However, Ramelow acknowledged that taking unconventional routes might be necessary.

Voigt was unimpressed, saying, "10 years of red-red-green is enough for Thuringia." He is campaigning for change and wants to outperform the AfD. An incompatibility resolution prohibits the CDU from forming a coalition with the Left Party.

Thuringia is set to elect a new state parliament on September 1. The political landscape in the state is seen as complex, with Ramelow currently running a coalition with the Left, SPD, and Greens, which lacks its own majority and has been outvoted by the opposition with the assistance of AfD votes.

Ramelow said at the event that he wouldn't want a minority government. "We need a state government with a majority in the parliament." The chambers of commerce had previously expressed their wishes for a majority government in Thuringia.

Concurrently, Ramelow emphasized that he didn't intend to create a minority government. "I'm willing to talk to you democratically after September 1, 6.01 p.m. Whichever of us garners the most votes in the state election should be the one to determine how the government is formed." He reaffirmed that he would not engage in a power struggle against any party other than the AfD.

Recently, polls suggested that the CDU secured second place with approximately 20% of the votes, the Left Party received around 16% of the support, and the AfD remained atop the list with roughly 30%.

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