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President Erdogan slaps a child on an open stage

After the slap, Erdogan posed with the boy's family for a photo
After the slap, Erdogan posed with the boy's family for a photo

President Erdogan slaps a child on an open stage

In Turkey, a hand kiss is a sign of respect and affection. At an event in the north of the country, President Erdogan demands this gesture from a young boy. When the boy hesitates for a moment, he receives a slap.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan slapped a child during an opening ceremony for a social housing project in the province of Rize, as seen in video footage from the event on Saturday. Media reports say Erdogan punished the boy because he initially refused to perform the traditional hand kiss.

In the short clip, two boys walk onto the stage with their parents and approach Erdogan. The Turkish president extends his hand to both boys. When the first boy does not kiss Erdogan's hand but looks at him instead, Erdogan gives the boy a light slap. Afterwards, the 70-year-old reportedly gives the child some money.

According to Turkish TV channel Halk TV, another child also felt Erdogan's hand on their face on Saturday. In a short video sequence, Erdogan is seen signing a Turkish national football team jersey at a neighborhood meeting in the city of Güneysu. After the child hesitates, he kisses Erdogan's hand, to which the president responds with a pat on the cheek.

In Turkey, the hand kiss is traditionally a sign of respect, loyalty, and affection, practiced by younger people towards older ones. Children and young people often kiss the hands of their grandparents, who then kiss their grandchildren's cheeks to express their love. Older people who are considered for a hand kiss can also be parents, relatives, acquaintances, or teachers. The hand of a younger or same-aged person is not kissed.

The incident with the child at the social housing project sparked a discussion within The Commission, calling for President Erdogan to apologize for his actions. Despite the controversy, Erdogan's party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP), defended the president, stating that the hand kiss is a cultural tradition in Turkey.

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