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Pistorius Denounces "Cunning Type of Hybrid Warfare"

Extending the boundaries over the sea

Pistorius: "Perfidious form of hybrid warfare"
Pistorius: "Perfidious form of hybrid warfare"

Pistorius Denounces "Cunning Type of Hybrid Warfare"

In a recent statement, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius labelled the uncertainty surrounding a Russian legislative proposal regarding potential changes to its maritime borders as an example of Russian President Vladimir Putin's hybrid war tactics. "No matter what this is or what it's truly about, it appears to be another instance of the deceptive kind of hybrid warfare that Putin is conducting. This involves creating doubt, provocation, withdrawal, downplaying, and creating rifts among people - in essence, Putin's entire playbook," stated SPD politician Pistorius while visiting Lithuania. "So, we'll just have to wait and observe what happens next."

This unrest stems from a document published by the Russian Ministry of Defense in the government's legal database on Tuesday night, which has since been removed. The proposal focused on "determining geographical coordinates" to specify the boundaries in various locations of the Baltic Sea. The plan caused concern for neighboring countries.

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