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"Our German farmers are at a disadvantage"

Markus Söder in the ntv early start

"Our German farmers are at a disadvantage"

The Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder proposes holding the Bundestag elections together with the European elections in June next year. The traffic light coalition has lost all trust and must regain it. Friedrich Merz would be the clear favorite to become the Union's candidate for chancellor.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder has called on the federal government to clear the way for new elections. "I wonder why people are so reluctant to call new elections. Because if a government has so little trust, then it must earn the trust of the people," said Söder in the ntv early start.

The CSU chairman proposes combining the Bundestag elections with the European elections in June next year. "There is already a national, a European ballot, you could do the Bundestag election there." Over the next few months, the traffic light party could show that it still has substance. "But it has to earn new trust from the public. And I don't know why Olaf Scholz is so stuck on this and unwilling to face the people."

The coalition had "taken forever" to find a solution in the budget dispute, but the priorities were not right "from start to finish". "Conversely, the traffic light is sensing this. And that's why one or the other almost wants to walk away again," Söder continued. "A government like this, which has so little in common in such an emergency and shows so little clear leadership - how is it supposed to move our country forward in these difficult times?"

CDU chairman Friedrich Merz would be the clear favorite to become the Union's candidate for chancellor in the event of new elections. "I was the first to say that in such a case, including an early election, that would be exactly the case."

"Yesterday's protests were very reasonable"

Söder considers the austerity measures proposed by the leaders of the coalition government to consolidate the budget to be wrong. "This whole compromise is shaky anyway. The traffic light coalition is saying goodbye to all the measures that have been taken, they are arguing among themselves," said the CSU chairman. The planned abolition of the agricultural diesel subsidy and the abolition of the exemption from vehicle tax for agricultural machinery would place an enormous burden on agriculture. "Our German farmers are at a disadvantage, especially compared to the French, who have very generous subsidies. And I also think that the protests yesterday were very, very appropriate, very reasonable."

In his own words, Söder would like to see respect and appreciation for agriculture. Do we really want food to be produced only abroad "and climate sins to be flown around the world? We have the best production here. Do we want to drive them out of the country"? Söder also criticized the short-term discontinuation of subsidies for electric vehicles. "When it comes to cars, one wonders why Mr. Habeck is implementing this at such a rapid pace. That is a setback. The Greens don't want the combustion engine. Now they don't want electric cars either. So Germany will not make progress with bicycles alone."

Read also:

The traffic light coalition, led by Olaf Scholz, is currently facing a trust issue and needs to regain it. Markus Söder, the Bavarian Minister President, suggests holding Bundestag elections together with the European elections in June next year to give the coalition a chance to demonstrate their substance. Despite this, Friedrich Merz is seen as the clear favorite to become the Union's candidate for chancellor in the event of new elections.




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