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Military personnel publicly swear allegiance to their duty.

Before the Berlin Legislative Assembly

Around 30 young recruits from the guard battalion at the Federal Ministry of Defense took their...
Around 30 young recruits from the guard battalion at the Federal Ministry of Defense took their oath of office in front of the Berlin House of Representatives.

Military personnel publicly swear allegiance to their duty.

During the "75 Years of the Basic Law" event, young troops took their oath of allegiance in front of the public for the first time ever. Berlin's mayor, Wegner, views this as a symbol that the Bundeswehr is an integral part of society. However, the ceremony faced criticism from the left.

Around 30 recruits participated in the Bundeswehr's inaugural public ceremony adjacent to the Berlin House of Representatives. These young soldiers come from the guard battalion at the Federal Ministry of Defense. The event was attended by approximately 140 individuals, including the family members of the recruits, political representatives, and members of society.

Governing Mayor Kai Wegner emphasized the significance of the public oath, stating that "as a society, we stand behind our soldiers." He added, "these pledges should be at the core of society. The Bundeswehr should be at society's core." The city of Berlin values the loyalty of its soldiers, as freedom remains something that must still be defended.

Cornelia Seibeld, President of the House of Representatives, expressed similar ideas. "Our soldiers are prepared to defend this state and its free and democratic fundamental order every day," she noted. "By taking the oath in front of the Berlin Parliament, we want to express our appreciation and gratitude for decades of peace and freedom."

Celebrating 75 Years of the Basic Law

The public oath is a part of a week-long theme celebrating "75 Years of the Basic Law." Starting on Thursday, an open-air ceremony will take place between the Bundestag and the Chancellery. Then, a three-day democracy festival will be held in the government district from Friday.

Parliamentary State Secretary Siemtje Möller at the Federal Ministry of Defense explained the relevance of the Basic Law's celebration: "The Basic Law, which we're commemorating this week, protects our democracy, just as the soldiers safeguard our freedom. This is more critical than ever in the last 75 years given the current security situation."

Police cordoned off the area surrounding the oath-taking ceremony. Protesters about 200 meters away demonstrated against the event. Earlier, the chairman of the left-wing parliamentary group in parliament, Carsten Schatz, criticized the ceremony as contributing to "the rearmament of society and public life."

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