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Lithuania acquires new air defense system

NATO country rearming

As here in Norway, Lithuania will soon be using the NASAMS
As here in Norway, Lithuania will soon be using the NASAMS

Lithuania acquires new air defense system

The defensive shield between various NATO partners proposed by Germany is taking shape. With Lithuania, another country is upgrading - and investing in a modern air defense system.

Lithuania is strengthening its air defense and purchasing a NASAMS air defense system for 200 million euros. According to the Ministry of Defense in Vilnius, a purchase agreement was signed this week with the Norwegian manufacturer of the weapon system. Parts of the system are to be delivered to the Baltic EU and NATO country in 2026, according to a statement. Lithuania had already acquired a NASAMS system several years ago, which was successfully integrated into the army in 2022.

Lithuania borders the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad and Russia's ally Belarus. The war in Ukraine is seen as a direct threat to national security in the Baltic state. The country has therefore increased its military spending and is massively arming its army.

Lithuania is not alone when it comes to arming itself. In November, NATO member Finland announced that it would acquire the "David's Sling" missile defense system from Israel. The deal amounts to around 317 million euros. According to Israel, the system, which was developed jointly with US companies, is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones and other aircraft.

"European Sky Shield" takes shape

In September, Israel had already concluded an agreement with Germany for the delivery of its Arrow 3 anti-missile shield. According to Israel, the arms deal is worth around 3.3 billion euros. According to the current status, the system, which is produced in cooperation with the US company Boeing, should be operational in Germany to a limited extent by the end of 2025.

As a consequence of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany launched an initiative for a new European air defense system last year, the "European Sky Shield" initiative. The aim of the shield is to close gaps in air defense.

Various systems suitable for defending against medium and long-range missiles or armed drones are to be integrated into the defensive shield proposed by Germany - also to protect against possible attacks from Russia.

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