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Lindner issues warning over potential trade conflict with China.

Examining Potential Chinese Overproduction

Lindner warns of trade war with China
Lindner warns of trade war with China

Lindner issues warning over potential trade conflict with China.

Christian Lindner, Germany's Finance Minister, cautioned against instigating a trade war amid discussions on imposing tariffs against Chinese products. In a gathering of the G7 finance officials in Italy, Lindner, a member of the FDP, stressed the necessity of examining if China is dumping its items with utmost objectivity and caution.

Lindner highlighted the importance of responding to unfair trade practices but stressed that global trade must not be negatively impacted during this process. He emphasized that, "Trade wars only have losers, and you can't win them."

The US imposed 100% tariffs on Chinese electric car imports and several other products last week, accusing Beijing of unfairly influencing the competitive landscape through significant government subsidies. The EU is currently evaluating the scope of China's market manipulation pertaining to electric cars. A decision to impose retaliatory tariffs is pending.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels has recently alarmed of possible repercussions from Beijing that might impact European and US automotive manufacturers.

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