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Last generation: authorities confiscate too much money

During investigations into the Last Generation, the Munich district court had almost 800,000 euros confiscated. However, less than ten percent of the money actually belongs to the activists.

Activists of the climate protection group "Last Generation" and other groups block the street
Activists of the climate protection group "Last Generation" and other groups block the street of June 17 in Berlin.

Justice - Last generation: authorities confiscate too much money

Around 725,000 euros too much have been confiscated as part of the Bavarian investigation into Last Generation activists. The money belonged to other customers of a financial start-up. A spokesperson for the court announced that the Munich Regional Court had classified the confiscated sum as disproportionate. This was previously reported by "Zeit Online".

The background: the activists had invested around 70,000 euros with the start-up Elinor. The company offered so-called group accounts, for example for choir groups, according to the founders. The money is not held in a separate account, but is only virtually allocated to the respective group as a credit balance. As part of the investigation into Last Generation, the authorities confiscated almost 800,000 euros from Elinor, a large proportion of the assets according to the company.

Decision came too late

The company appealed against this - with success. In the court's view, the other customers' interest in being able to dispose of their money prevailed. The confiscation of the entire amount was disproportionate. On December 7, the regional court partially overturned the Munich district court 's decision from May. Start-up founder Lukas Kunert said: "The decision strengthens our trust in the rule of law. Unfortunately, however, it was too late for the many groups that were already using Elinor." The company was therefore forced to cease operations.

Elinor stated that it had already terminated the Last Generation group account in March 2023 due to its "divisive effect".

The Munich Public Prosecutor General's Office is investigating climate activists from the Last Generation on suspicion of forming a criminal organization. During a raid in May, numerous officers searched properties in seven federal states.

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