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Injured persons after accident in Grevenbroich

In a collision between two cars, several people are injured. A man is hit particularly hard.

Seven people are injured in an accident.
Seven people are injured in an accident.

traffic - Injured persons after accident in Grevenbroich

At an accident in Grevenbroich (Rhein-Kreis Neuss), seven people were injured, one of them severely. A 48-year-old driver cut in front of another car while turning, as the police reported. There was a collision. A 49-year-old passenger of the causing vehicle suffered a severe, possibly life-threatening head injury. The other passengers of the two cars, aged between 13 and 48, were also taken to hospitals with injuries.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the region where the accident occurred, traffic authorities are reminded to enhance safety measures due to the high frequency of such incidents. The North Rhine-Westphalia traffic department has reported a significant increase in traffic accidents, contributing to concerns about road safety.

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