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Hair Transplant Stages: From Preparation to Restoration


The hair transplant process is a complex procedure that requires careful preparation and aftercare. In this article, we will look at the main stages of the hair transplant process, from preparation to the recovery period.

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1. Preparation:

The first stage of hair transplantation is preparation. During this time, the patient consults with the doctor to determine the best transplant method and assess the expected results. The doctor also conducts preliminary medical tests to ensure that the patient is suitable for the surgery.

2. Follicle Extraction:

In the next step already undergoing surgery, doctors extract hair follicles from an area of the patient's body, usually from the back of the head or other areas where hair is more resistant to loss. This process can be done using a variety of techniques such as FUE or FUT.

3. Skin preparation prior to transplantation:

After extracting the follicles, doctors prepare the area for transplantation. This involves creating small holes or channels in the skin to accommodate the hair follicles.

4. Follicle Implementation:

Doctors then begin the process of introducing the follicles into the prepared holes on the skin. They do this with utmost care to ensure natural and harmonious hair growth.

5. Post-operative Care:

After the hair transplant procedure is completed, a number of care measures are prescribed to the patient. This may include recommendations for scalp care, administration of medications or other care instructions.

6. Recovery:

Recovery from a hair transplant can take several weeks or months. During this period, it is important to follow all doctor's recommendations and care for the transplant area to ensure a successful and long-lasting result.

Understanding the steps of hair transplantation will help the patient prepare for the procedure and ensure optimal results. Therefore, it is important to discuss all details with your doctor and follow all recommendations during and after surgery.

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