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Current Trends in the World of Hair Transplantation: New Techniques and Technologies


The world of hair transplantation is constantly evolving, with new techniques and technologies emerging every year. In this article, we will look at some of the most current trends in the world of hair transplantation and how they are changing the industry.

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1. DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) Technology:

DHI is one of the latest technologies in the world of hair transplantation that allows doctors to transplant hair follicles one by one without first creating holes in the skin. This allows for a natural and harmonious result while minimizing the risk of damage to the follicles.

2. PRP therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma):

PRP therapy is a procedure in which a patient is injected into the skin with a special preparation derived from their own blood, which is enriched with platelets. This helps to stimulate hair growth and strengthen existing hair, making it a popular method for enhancing the results of hair transplants.

3. Robotic Hair Transplantation:

Modern robotic systems allow doctors to extract and transplant hair follicles more accurately and efficiently. This reduces the risk of follicle damage and provides more predictable and better quality results.

4. Holistic Approach:

Today, more and more clinics are taking a holistic approach to hair transplantation, considering not only the physical aspects but also the psychological and emotional well-being of the patient. This includes pre-operative preparation, post-operative care and psychological support for best results.

5. Body Hair Technique:

The technique of hair transplantation using hair from other parts of the body such as the chest, back or beard is becoming increasingly popular. This allows patients with a limited supply of hair on their head to achieve the desired results without the need for donor hair.

These current trends in the world of hair transplantation are opening up new opportunities for patients and professionals in the field. Understanding these technologies helps patients choose the best method to achieve their hair restoration goals.

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