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Germany commemorates its own significance - official recognition of the Constitution.

Civic celebrations in Berlin and Bonn.

The heads of the constitutional bodies come together in Berlin for a state ceremony.
The heads of the constitutional bodies come together in Berlin for a state ceremony.

Germany commemorates its own significance - official recognition of the Constitution.

Federal President Steinmeier honors the Basic Law as the cornerstone of living together. For its 75th anniversary on May 23, 1949, the Head of State has arranged a public event. The Chancellor for Eastern Germany, Schneider, points out that reunification is intertwined with today's events.

Leaders of government and society in Berlin are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law's enactment with a state ceremony between the Reichstag building and the Chancellery. May 23, 1949, also signifies the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany. Meanwhile, the peaceful revolution in the GDR, which commemorates its 35th anniversary this year, will also be acknowledged. Ultimately, this revolution paved the way for the Basic Law, initially valid for West Germany, to serve as Germany's constitution.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who has authorized the state ceremony, will deliver the main speech. On his website, Steinmeier states, "This Basic Law is the basis for ensuring that freedom, democracy, and justice determine how we live together as a state." In the President's opinion, the constitution has been resilient and adaptable over the past 75 years and has navigated through several crises and challenges.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann yearns for increased respect and appreciation for the constitution and democracy in Germany. "You don't have to approve of everything happening in our country," the FDP politician told the Rheinische Post newspaper. "But our constitution as a framework for politics has led to the most liberal and thriving state we've ever experienced," Buschmann said, "Anyone questioning democracy should consider the world: they wouldn't live better in any authoritarian state."

Carsten Schneider, Commissioner for Eastern Europe, shares a similar perspective. The constitution facilitates co-existence through values such as humanity, fairness, diversity, and unity. "That's why we can't praise it enough," said the SPD politician. The people in the GDR had fought for these ideals during the peaceful revolution of 1989. "That's why the 35th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution and the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, which made the reunification of Germany a national objective, are inseparable," Schneider stated.

Civic events in Berlin and Bonn

The ceremony (12 p.m.) will include representatives from the five constitutional entities, including the Presidents of the Bundestag, Bundesrat, and Federal Constitutional Court - Bärbel Bas, Manuela Schwesig, and Stephan Harbarth, along with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The celebration will begin with an ecumenical service (10 a.m.) with participation from various religions at St. Mary's Church. The police have allocated considerable resources to ensure the event's security, with approximately 1100 officers expected to be deployed for security and traffic management.

Following the state ceremony, citizens will also have the chance to celebrate the Basic Law. Berlin's government district will host a Democracy Festival from Friday to Sunday, while on Saturday, Steinmeier will inaugurate his official residence in Bonn, the Villa Hammerschmidt, with a separate event in Bonn's old government district.

The Basic Law was created following orders from the military governors of Western nations to convene a "constituent assembly" of the eleven West German state leaders on July 1, 1948. Preliminary work was completed in August 1948 by the Constitutional Convention on Herrenchiemsee Island. From September 1, 1948, the Parliamentary Council in Bonn drafted the Basic Law, which was adopted on May 8, 1949, and made law on May 23 by the Parliamentary Council's Chairman, Konrad Adenauer.

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