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G7 nations aim to carry forward the monetary assistance for Ukraine.

Live Updates on the Ukraine Conflict

Ukrainian soldiers undergo artillery training in the Donetsk region.
Ukrainian soldiers undergo artillery training in the Donetsk region.

G7 nations aim to carry forward the monetary assistance for Ukraine.

Seventh nation's finance ministers announce financial assistance for Ukraine: "Together with Ukraine," stated German Finance Minister Christian Lindner following a meeting in Italy's Stresa, affirming the G7 support. Already, financial aid is assured for this year. However, the intent is to do more in the coming years, particularly in 2025.

Paris prepares to dedicate street to Alexei Navalny: In honor of famous Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who became a symbol of freedom in Russia and beyond, the French capital seeks to name a street in his memory. A senator from the city elaborated on Monday about this decision which was approved unanimously by the city council. Known for his outspoken condemnation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Navalny passed away imprisoned in February. Proposed location for the Navalny Street is the upscale 16th district of Paris, near the Russian embassy.

Ukrainian investigation into Kharkiv brigade for poor defense: Ukranian authorities opened a criminal probe against the 125th Brigade. Assigned to safeguard Kharkiv's area in May, the brigade was accused of mishandling defense and a lack of attention to their military duty. A preliminary investigation seeks to look into the behaviors of 30 commanders and commanders. The outcome of this investigation hasn't been mentioned.

Lindner: No harm to taxpayers through G7 aid for Ukraine: While a key player in the G7, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner claims they must further refine financial aid for Ukraine, cautious of financial risks for taxpayers. In a G7 ministerial financial meeting in northern Italy, Lindner emphasized the potential to leverage the confiscated funds from the Russian central bank for the benefit of Ukraine. American suggestions of a large $50 billion loan backed by Russian central bank income hav been proposed. Details on this potential path are expected to be attained in mid-June at the Apulia G7 summit.

Russian government official threatens over destroyed radar system: According to reports, Ukraine flew a drone attack to damage Russia's early warning system against nuclear missiles. Russian ex-NATO ambassador Dmitry Rogozin, now a senator, speaks regarding the topic. He alleges that the US may have had knowledge about or even planned this attack on a "key element of military control for strategic nuclear forces," bringing the world closer to a nuclear war.

Ukrainian intelligence's Budanov: robotic ships to replace conventional ones: As the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov believes that Ukraine's fleet of robotic ships will progress, suited to attack both coastlines and airborne targets. According to Nexta Ukrainian agency, Budanov theorizes that these unmanned vessels may fully replace traditional warships, particularly in closed or semi-closed waters.

Mangott argues Russia's military ambitions in the Baltic Sea: The Russian Ministry of Defense's proposed legislation is cause for concern amongst Baltic Sea defense stakeholders. Security specialist Gerhard Mangott analyzes this situation where Russia may hint about extending their territorial waters in the Baltic Sea.

Russian Iskanders target Kharkiv: Overnight, Kharkiv received two Iskander missile strikes from Russian troops, causing damage to a school and a residential building. Iskander-M is known for its ability to fly 500 kilometers and carry nuclear armaments. Iskanders have a flexible trajectory, making them hard to counteract, thus the missiles dealt significant damages to Kharkiv.

Stoltenberg supports the consideration of using Western weapons: NATO's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, joins the dialogue about Western weapons against military targets in Russia. Raising the question of lifting certain restrictions, he contended that in light of active fighting in Kharkiv, assistance in self-defense must be given to Ukraine, including the authority to attack Russian sites. Legal and legitimate, such acts are enshrined in the UN Charter, according to Stoltenberg.

At around 9:24 am, unofficial reports suggest that Ukrainian drones targeted a crucial radar station in Russia's Krasnodar region. This facility is part of Russia's early warning system for ballistic missile launches and nuclear weapon-equipped missile launches. Experts in open-source intelligence (OSINT) estimate that the radar station can control an area up to a distance of 6000 kilometers.

At 8:42 am, US analysts caution against a ceasefire. Russian President Putin has expressed a desire for a ceasefire but only if it aligns with the territorial gains made by his forces. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) warns that a ceasefire could allow Russia to improve its offensive capabilities, potentially leading to regime change, the demilitarization of Ukraine, and the conquest of the country. Furthermore, the Kremlin may exploit a ceasefire to diminish Western support for Ukraine.

Roderich Kiesewetter, a CDU foreign policy expert, calls for Germany to declare a budget emergency due to the war in Ukraine. According to Kiesewetter, Ukraine's war efforts would be more effective with increased funding, which could be secured by suspending the country's debt brake. The debt brake is a constitutional provision in Germany that limits the country's annual budget deficits, but Kiesewetter believes it should be suspended to allow for more spending in response to the ongoing conflict. However, the FDP has stood against this measure thus far.

At 7:56 am, Ukrainian President Zelensky celebrates a strategic victory near Kharkiv as the United States provides another round of military aid. Additionally, an air defense system arrives from Germany to aid Ukraine in its defense against Russian forces.

The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russia has suffered 500,080 casualties since the invasion in February 2022. Over the past day, 1140 Russian soldiers perished. Russian forces continue to face heavy losses in their attempt to subdue the Ukrainian defenders. Ukrainian sources also indicate the destruction of 15 Russian tanks, 27 artillery systems, an air defense system, and two multiple rocket launchers.

The first group of Ukrainian F-16 pilots completed their training in the United States and are set to arrive in Europe for additional training. These fighters should be ready to engage in combat against Russian forces by the summer. Ukraine is set to receive over 60 F-16s from Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United States, the United Kingdom, Romania, France, and Bulgaria. All of these nations have contributed personnel, aircraft, and ground facilities to assist in the Ukrainians' training.

Since 6:33 am, the United States has ceased providing Excalibur shells to Ukraine due to Russian efforts to disrupt the guidance systems of these weapons. The report from the Washington Post suggests that the success rate of the Excalibur shells had significantly dropped, making them inaccurate in their targeting. In response, the US began withholding Excalibur supplies altogether. Furthermore, Russian jammers have made it challenging to utilize HIMARS systems effectively.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg views China's aid to Russia as crucial to its ongoing war efforts. While not providing direct military support, China has accelerated sales of various technologies, allowing Russia to produce missiles, tanks, and aircraft for use in the Ukraine war. Stoltenberg expresses bewilderment over China's desire for positive relations with the West while simultaneously assisting Russia in its efforts against Ukraine.

In summary, Ukrainian drones allegedly struck a major Russian radar station, causing concern among US analysts who fear that a ceasefire could allow Russia to regroup and prepare for further military operations. Calls for increased defense spending are mounting as casualty numbers continue to rise, and the Ukrainian military prepares to receive more advanced fighter jets while the conflict continues.

Hofreiter: Ukraine should be allowed to use Western weapons to protect its people from Russian attacks

Children from the Kharkiv region are brought to safety to protect them from the Russian advance.

Green Party foreign policy expert Anton Hofreiter supports the idea of not restricting Ukraine from using supplied weapons to defend against Russian fighter jets in Russian airspace. As the chairman of the Bundestag's Europe Committee, Hofreiter says that international law allows an attacked state to strike military targets on the aggressor's territory.

Ukraine Reports Russian Airstrikes and Limited Successes Near Kupiansk

The Ukrainian General Staff reported that the Russian army has targeted the city of Vovchansk once again, dropping eight guided bombs and causing damage. However, Ukrainian forces managed to fend off ten Russian attacks in the area. There were also "partial successes" for the Russians in Kupiansk in the Kharkiv region and in the Pokrovsk sector of Donetsk.

More Evacuations Planned in Kharkiv Region

123 children from the northeastern Kharkiv region will be evacuated, according to the "Kyiv Independent." Authorities plan to take these children to the city of Kharkiv and then to the Volhynia region northwest of it. Over 11,000 civilians have been evacuated since the start of the Russian offensive.

Zelenskyy: Ukrainian Military Regains Control of Border Region

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that the Ukrainian army has managed to regain control of the border region in the eastern part of the Kharkiv region where Russian forces had made inroads. He made these remarks after visiting the city of Kharkiv and witnessing the situation firsthand.

Russia Holds Over 400 Ukrainian Women in Captivity

A report by the Ukrainian Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War states that there are currently 403 Ukrainian women being held captive by the Russians. The majority of these women are civilians who have been detained illegally. The report also mentions that there are women who have disappeared since 2014, and their current situation is unknown. The Russian authorities have disregarded efforts to secure their release.

Kuleba: Putin Wants Ukraine Peace Summit to Fail

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba believes that Russian President Vladimir Putin does not want a successful peace summit in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. Kuleba stated that Putin is not interested in ending the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Six NATO Nations Plan to Build "Drone Wall"

Lithuania's Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite revealed that the six NATO member states bordering Russia have discussed ideas to build a "drone wall" to protect their borders against possible threats. The "drone wall," which spans from Norway to Poland, aims to use drones and other technologies to monitor and safeguard their borders. Bilotaite emphasized that the project is not only about preventing potential provocations from unfriendly countries but also combating smuggling. In addition, she mentioned the use of anti-drone systems. A specific timetable for the project was not provided, but the idea was described as "a completely new thing."

USA Announces Additional Military Aid for Ukraine

The United States has announced further military aid for Ukraine to fight against the Russian war of aggression. This new package is valued at $275 million and includes ammunition for the Himars multiple rocket launchers, as well as 155 and 105 millimeter caliber artillery ammunition, according to the US State Department. This is the fifth tranche from US President Joe Biden since the US Congress allocated new funds of around $61 billion for Kiev at the end of April. The aid from previous packages has already reached the front lines, according to reports. The State Department added that the new support will be delivered "as quickly as possible" so that the Ukrainian military can defend its territory and safeguard its people. Since the start of the Russian war of aggression two years ago, the US has provided Ukraine with over $50 billion in military assistance, according to the Pentagon.

7:30 pm: Soviet-era model: Kremlin requires teenagers to engage in fundamental military trainingFrom this school year onwards, pupils and teenagers in Russia must add another required course to their timetable: the innocuously named "Basics of Life Security" guides them through basic military skills such as shooting and bandaging wounds.

6:55 pm: "Terrain on the ground": Putin establishes terms for Ukraine peace talksOver two years into his conflict with Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his purported readiness for negotiations - yet not on the return of territories that were annexed illegally. "People are talking about the need to return to negotiations again," Putin asserted during a visit to the neighboring ally Belarus, according to Interfax news agency. He then qualified this statement further: "Let's go back to them. But not according to one party's demands, but (...) based on the realities on the ground that have emerged." (see also 12:22 pm entry) Russia has been openly fighting against Ukraine since February 2022 and currently occupies approximately one-fifth of the neighboring country. Ukraine insists that the withdrawal of Russian troops from its land is a prerequisite for lasting peace. Consult all previous developments here.

Ukrainian soldiers undergo artillery training in the Donetsk region.

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