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Florida priest under investigation for allegedly biting woman in argument over Communion wafer.

A priest from Florida is accused of biting a woman during Communion at a Mass in St. Cloud, as stated in the legal document related to the case, suggesting he was trying to protect the Communion bread.

A Florida priest is accused of biting a woman during Communion at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St....
A Florida priest is accused of biting a woman during Communion at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in St. Cloud.

Florida priest under investigation for allegedly biting woman in argument over Communion wafer.

A priest named Father Fidel Rodriguez refused to give a woman Communion bread during a Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church on May 19, explaining that she hadn't completed the necessary steps, according to the police. At the 10 a.m. Mass, he blessed her and instructed her to receive confession before returning to receive communion.

According to a statement from the Diocese of Orlando, she returned to the church for the noon Mass, claiming she had fulfilled the prerequisites and was now accepted by God. When the priest inquired if she had received confession, she said it wasn't his concern.

The woman told police that the priest tried to push a "cookie" into her mouth, and she attempted to take another Communion bread, which he was holding. When she wouldn't give up the bread, he took her arm and bit her.

The Diocese's statement says Rodriguez attempted to provide the woman with Holy Communion on her tongue. However, she forcibly placed her hand in the container, took some hosts, and crushed them.

Since she had one hand free, Rodriguez sought to restrain her and free the hosts from her grasp. Upon sensing an act of aggression, he bit her hand, prompting her to release the bread.

The woman was asked to leave, and the Diocese noted that she was a stranger to the priest. In a statement, the Diocese stated that the Eucharist is a significant religious symbol and that it should be treated with proper understanding, reverence, and devotion.

In the Catholic tradition, the Eucharist is referred to as "the source and summit of worship and faith." It is not something one can demand casually or consider as a simple cookie.

The woman refused medical attention, and the police took a photograph of the bite mark. The St. Cloud Police have passed this case to the State Attorney's Office for potential action.

The State Attorney's Office responded to CNN that they had received the case and were evaluating the appropriate course of action.

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