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Federal Government's Expert Council advises improved readiness for severe health emergencies.

Epidemics and natural calamities

A healthcare worker puts on his protective clothing in the port of Fuyuan. The world is...
A healthcare worker puts on his protective clothing in the port of Fuyuan. The world is ill-prepared for a potential new health crisis.

Federal Government's Expert Council advises improved readiness for severe health emergencies.

The new German Expert Council is urging the government to enhance its readiness for significant health emergencies arising from pandemics, terrorism, or natural disasters. The possibility of extraordinary incidents with adverse effects on public health and care has considerably increased, the council's initial statement disclosed on Wednesday. Thus, a comprehensive strategy in the form of a national action plan is a pressing necessity.

To tackle these potential threats effectively, there should be closer cooperation between different sectors, such as the civilian and military sectors. Moreover, effective risk communication, which boosts public participation, knowledge, and competence, is essential in the current climate of disinformation and division. The German government must be equipped to address multiple concurrent threats, such as military conflicts or terrorist attacks.

The Expert Council on Health and Resilience, which operates under the Chancellery and features 23 scientists from various disciplines, commenced operations in March. The group succeeded the Corona Expert Council.

The experts emphasized that health security encompasses elements like early warning systems, emergency preparedness, accessible healthcare, and consistent care provision. Precautionary measures need to be developed, rehearsed, assessed, and easily accessible. A factor to consider is that hazardous situations might cause severe limitations to electricity, water, or internet access.

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