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CSU demands "strict measures against climate scammers"

Munich Airport Obstructed

The climate activists who forced their way onto the tarmac at Munich Airport were arrested by the...
The climate activists who forced their way onto the tarmac at Munich Airport were arrested by the police.

CSU demands "strict measures against climate scammers"

Activists once more target an airport, this time they stick to the runways. Their motive: climate protection. Officials call for harsh punishment, with leaders pushing for strict measures.

After the second blockade of Munich Airport by radical climate protesters, politicians are demanding strict penalties. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser noted on X: "These criminal actions put air traffic at risk and harm climate protection as they create bewilderment and anger among the public." Her demand: "The offenders must face consistent prosecution and the security measures at the airport should be reviewed."

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber insisted: "The full force of the law is needed against these climate vigilantes." Huber expressed his thoughts on X: "The Last Generation's actions are dangerous - not only for themselves but for others."

Early on Saturday morning, six members of the Last Generation group managed to break through the airport's fence and post themselves along the runway feeders. The airport was completely shut down while several planes had to be re-routed to other cities. Around two hours later, air traffic in Munich resumed, and the activists faced arrest.

Huber remarked on the action with the phrase, "So much for 'no more sticking'." This was in reference to the Last Generation's promise at the end of January to explore other forms of protest this year. The phrase "places of fossil destruction" was mentioned by the group, and they explicitly included airports in this category. The Last Generation has a history of obstructing operations at significant airports, Munich included, through similar actions.

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