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Childcare facility shortage in Germany: Severity check

A new study revealed that Germany lacks around 430,000 places in daycare centers, despite parents having a legal right to secure a place for any child under the age of three.

Childcare facility shortage in Germany: Severity check / Photo: dpa
Foto: Severity check / Photo: dpa

How severe is the shortage of childcare facilities in Germany: According to a new study conducted by the Bertelsmann Foundation, immediate government actions are necessary to address the shortage of spots in daycare centers by 2030.

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How severe is the shortage of childcare facilities in Germany

The main cause is a lack of qualified childcare workers, complicating the recruitment of skilled workers from abroad with young families in need of childcare.

The study reveals significant differences between western and eastern Germany, each facing its challenges.

Significant deficit of childcare facilities in Western Germany

In Western Germany, there is a shortage of over 385,000 spots in daycare centers, accounting for about 90% of the total deficit.

The deficit is particularly acute in the most densely populated state, North Rhine-Westphalia, where over 110,000 spots are lacking. Bavaria, with about two-thirds of the population of North Rhine-Westphalia, has a deficit of around 70,000 spots. Baden-Württemberg faces a shortage of about 60,000 spots, and Hesse slightly over 40,000.

While all federal states experience a shortage of daycare spots, some are in a relatively better position. In Hamburg, with a population of around two million, there is a shortage of about 6,400 spots. In Bremen, with a population of less than 600,000, the deficit is 6,500.

The situation is comparatively worse in Berlin, where the population is roughly double that of Hamburg but faces over three times the shortage, with around 20,000 spots lacking.

Overloaded childcare workers in Eastern Germany

In Eastern Germany, the overall shortage of daycare spots is less acute in absolute numbers, totaling around 45,000 spots compared to what should be available.

However, Bertelsmann experts warn that childcare workers in the eastern states are responsible for an excessive number of children.

Each worker has to care for 3.4 children in western states and 5.4 children in eastern states. Childcare groups bear an even more substantial burden, with 7.7 children in western states and an average of 10.5 in eastern states.

What do experts recommend?

The study's authors emphasize the need to hire more qualified childcare workers and ensure that existing staff remains in their positions.

This will require additional financial resources directed towards childcare.

At the same time, experts note that the contracted hours for childcare often exceed what is genuinely necessary for some parents and suggest that a more flexible model would free up more hours for childcare.

