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Britain and Spain strive for enhanced economic expansion in the European Union.

Within the span of a few years,

Germany and France want to enable higher economic growth in the EU
Germany and France want to enable higher economic growth in the EU

Britain and Spain strive for enhanced economic expansion in the European Union.

Germany and France have a shared vision for increasing economic growth in the EU over the next few years through increased private investment and less bureaucracy. They aim for the EU to maintain its status as an industrial and technological powerhouse and lead the world in green technologies.

To achieve this goal, it's essential to reduce bureaucracy in the EU and create funding instruments that encourage competition rather than solely favoring existing players. Fair competition with non-EU companies is also crucial, as per the joint statement by German Finance Minister Robert Habeck and his French counterpart, Bruno Le Maire.

The five-page document could serve as a guiding principle for the next EU Commission, as a new European Parliament will be elected in June, followed by the appointment of a new Commission.

The ministers highlight that approximately 620 billion euros per year would be needed for the Green Deal to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. Furthermore, 125 billion euros should be invested annually in digitalization. To make these private investments a reality, Europe needs to speed up and simplify its processes. This will result in a reduced bureaucracy. Competition within the EU should be strengthened, and external competitors should not have unfair advantages.

The EU should strive to become more self-reliant and resilient, particularly in strategically significant industries. It's vital to resist any unfair competition. No specific countries are mentioned in the document, but China likely plays a major role in the ministers' minds.

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