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Board member: Majorities with the Left and Greens conceivable

After the state elections in 2024, Thuringia is likely to face a complicated process of forming a government. However, there are voices in the CDU that want to be open to new alliances.

Mario Voigt, party and parliamentary group leader of the CDU Thuringia, makes a press statement
Mario Voigt, party and parliamentary group leader of the CDU Thuringia, makes a press statement in the Thuringian state

Board member: Majorities with the Left and Greens conceivable

The Thuringian CDU should not rule out majorities with the Left Party and the Greens after the state elections in 2024, according to a member of its executive board. In his opinion, cooperation with the Greens, the Left, the SPD and the FDP as a "majority-holding alliance" is possible, Altenburg's mayor André Neumann told the German Press Agency ahead of the state party conference at the weekend.

"We have many in the CDU Thuringia who consistently reject both left and green," said Neumann. "Reality will catch up with us all and perhaps make unexpected things possible."

The CDU and its chairman Mario Voigt are hoping for a majority for a coalition between the CDU, SPD and FDP in the upcoming state elections in 2024. However, in the latest election polls, no majorities were in sight for the Free State without the inclusion of the AfD or the Left Party. Thuringia is currently governed by a minority coalition of the Left, SPD and Greens.

In the past, the leadership of the CDU has repeatedly spoken out clearly against cooperation with the AfD and the Left Party. On the other hand, former state party leader Mike Mohring, for example, had spoken out in favor of not refusing to enter into talks with the Left in the event of difficult election results.

"The Left Party in Thuringia represents a social market economy policy in its appearance and actions," Neumann continued. In recent years, it has proven that it is a democratic party - even if some of its policies are still backward-looking.

The Greens, too, sometimes made mistakes in the communication and speed of their plans. "But their wish is a very acceptable one and one that I also share," said Neumann with regard to the fight against climate change.

In light of the potential power shifts after the 2024 Thuringian state elections, some CDU members might be open to forming coalitions with the Left Party and the Greens, acknowledging that reality may dictate unexpected alliances. Despite opposition from some within the CDU, Andre Neumann, the mayor of Altenburg, suggests that a "majority-holding alliance" with the Greens, the Left, the SPD, and the FDP is feasible.


