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19:50 Selenskyj: Tensions in Donetsk region remain exceptionally high

Ukraine's conflict in real-time updates

Gepard anti-aircraft tanks have already saved the lives of many Ukrainians.
Gepard anti-aircraft tanks have already saved the lives of many Ukrainians.

19:50 Selenskyj: Tensions in Donetsk region remain exceptionally high

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi discusses the ongoing battles in the Kharkiv area and labels the Donetsk situation as particularly intense. In the Kharkiv area, the defense against Russian troops' assault on villages will persist, Zelenskyj informs his audience in his evening video address.

At 19:17, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz hopes that Arab nations, India, South Africa, Brazil, and China will participate in the planned Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland in June. He expresses this desire during a Potsdam event hosted by Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland while discussing mid-June's planned conference. Switzerland has invited these countries. "Their participation in the conference would be a significant step, even if the major peace issue isn't the primary focus," Scholz states.

At 18:39, Chancellor Scholz confirms that Ukrainians in Germany who have a job and a residence permit will not be at risk of expulsion, in response to Ukraine's desire for conscripts to return home. Scholz made this statement at a Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland event, pledging to ensure that as many Ukrainians as possible work in Germany.

At 18:08, the Russian Ministry of Defense reports capturing six villages in eastern Ukraine. In Telegram, they announce that these areas were "liberated" through "offensive actions." Russian troops advanced in the Kharkiv region on Friday, leading to evacuations close to the border. The newly acquired villages are Borisivka, Ohirtseve, Pletenivka, Pylna, and Striletcha in the Kharkiv region near the border, along with Keramik in the Donetsk region. Russia previously reported taking control of five other villages.

At 17:20, the MV Climate and Environmental Protection Foundation, headquartered in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, awarded Nord Stream 2 construction contracts to a Russian company with ties to the family of former Uzbek secret service chief Rustam Inoyatov, specifically his son Sharif. t-online's investigation revealed that the foundation gave multimillion-euro contracts to GC SIA LLC, whose German owner and managing director is a close associate of Sharif Inoyatov. The foundation did not respond to inquiries, and the company in Russia refused to comment on the situation. Nord Stream 2 is symbolic of Germany's failed Russia policy, especially after Russia's significant invasion of Ukraine.

At 16:24, the UK Ministry of Defense declares that the largest military support package given to Ukraine to date consists of 400 armored vehicles, 1,600 attack and anti-aircraft missiles, and over four million rounds of ammunition. The UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak introduced this assistance during a visit to Warsaw in April. He also allocated £500 million (around €580 million) to military assistance.

At 15:47, Kharkiv region governor Oleh Synyehubov shares that fighting in the area is intense. "The enemy has been pushing further into our region's north. Our military has successfully defended against nine attacks," noted the governor in a press conference. He acknowledged ongoing battles in five disputed villages in the region near the Russian border.

At 15:07, Russian authorities claim five deaths due to Ukrainian drone and artillery attacks in the Russian border provinces of Belgorod and Kursk and the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. Donetsk's Russian-appointed head of administration, Denis Pushilin, stated that three people died and eight were injured when a rocket struck a restaurant.

14:49 Poland aims to increase security along its eastern borderPoland plans to enhance security measures along its entire eastern border. The nation is dealing with a growing "hybrid war" as a result of illegal immigration from Belarus, announced Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Poland is a NATO and EU member, sharing a border with Belarus, an ally of Russia, to the east. Tusk did not provide specifics about the planned actions or how they would be implemented. When it comes to Poland's safety, "no borders" will exist, said the prime minister during a border visit, where he met soldiers and border agents.

13:01 Ukrainian troops repel Russian forces with newly acquired US armored vehiclesUkrainian soldiers reportedly halted a Russian advance near Avdiivka on the previous day and subsequently counterattacked with assistance from recently delivered US military equipment. The 47th Mechanized Brigade is stationed in the region, known as a "fire department" on hotly contested sections of the frontline. According to reports, the brigade created killing zones with anti-tank mines while retreating and used them to stop the Russian advance. Ukrainian troops then took the offensive, pushing the Russians back. Euromaidan claims that new Bradley tanks from the US also played a role in the area. It has been known for some time that the 47th Mechanized Brigade uses this type of military vehicle.

12:27 Russia comments on its major offensive in the Kharkiv regionThe Russian Ministry of Defense claims that Russian troops have captured five villages in the Ukrainian region of Kharkiv. The villages of Pletenivka, Ohirtseve, Borysivka, Pylna, and Strilechna, located on the border with the Russian Belgorod Oblast, are now under Russian control. On Friday, Russia began an offensive in the Kharkiv area. According to the Russian army, they have killed a large number of Ukrainian soldiers and destroyed their equipment. However, there is no independent confirmation of these claims. Military experts believe that the Russian offensive is not yet a direct attack on Kharkiv. The Russian military wants to tie up Ukrainian troops and advance their artillery so they can fire on the city.

11:50 London: Russia struggling with its bombs, causing harm to its own populationReports suggest that a Russian plane accidentally dropped munitions on civilian territory in early May. The governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, confirmed the explosion and damage in Belgorod on Telegram without specifying the cause. 30 homes and 10 vehicles were damaged and five people were taken to the hospital. The British Ministry of Defense reports that this incident is not unique. A FAB-250 bomb had already been dropped in the Belgorod region in mid-February, leading to the evacuation of 150 residents. There were 20 cases of stray ammunition between March and April of this year alone. "These occurrences show that Russia is still unable to accurately use its munitions on the intended targets, with severe and dangerous consequences for Russia's own population," states a British intelligence report.

11:14 Video seemingly depicts an Iranian Shahed drone being shot down by a German Gepard anti-aircraft tankGerman Gepard anti-aircraft tanks have been operating in Ukraine since 2022. Initially delivered a few months after the large-scale Russian invasion started, the Cheetahs have become a popular asset for the Ukrainian military due to their capabilities. Among them, the anti-aircraft tanks are crucial for defending against daily drone attacks. The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Oleksii Makeiev, commented on Iranian drones on Platform X: "Five to six shots are usually enough for a Shahed." Makeiev also reveals a video showcasing a successful launch with the help of the Cheetah:

10:37 United States: "Heaven and Hell" in motion as aid reaches the frontlineAccording to the US Department of Defense, Ukrainian forces have received weapons from the United States. To meet the urgent need, Washington aims to deliver the remaining aid packages as promptly as possible. "The first defense aid package - which we revealed as part of the supplemental funding bill on the same day the president signed it - is already on the battlefield and in the hands of the Ukrainian military," stated Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby, according to Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform. "Heaven and Hell" are being set into motion, and the work on delivering the remnants of the previous package is still ongoing. The United States has also announced another package of critical ammunition and weapons worth $400 million. [*10:37 The United States announced an additional $400 million in aid for Ukraine on May 5th, 2023. This comes on top of the existing aid package already deployed to the region.]

11:01 Fighter planes over an extensive attack: Russia aims at three potential targets near Kharkiv

The Russian military is invading Kharkiv - what is the motivation behind it? Political scientist Thomas Jäger describes three possible situations. Meanwhile, Ukraine is also experiencing the failure of its supporters in this scenario:

10:33 All assaults rejected? Russia keeps attacking in the Kharkiv border region, according to Ukraine

Ukraine's military has been defending themselves against a Russian invasion in the border region close to the megacity of Kharkiv. This morning, the military allegedly mentioned nine battles on this front segment. The general conclusion is that Russian invaders have been turned away. However, this information cannot be verified independently. The Ukrainian military has outlined Russian attacks on two wide-ranging sectors of the frontline since last Friday. The invasion was expected since the Russian military had amassed several tens of thousands of soldiers near the border. Still, Ukrainian, Russian military observers, and global experts anticipated that the thrust was not yet aimed at the city of Kharkiv.

10:08 Weichert on the Kharkiv offensive: "Russia is moving, Ukraine can merely respond again"

Russian soldiers are making an attempt to advance in the Kharkiv region and are launching a massive attack. ntv reporter Jürgen Weichert discusses the extent of the territorial gains and how Ukraine is defending itself. Weichert also views a German-funded prosthesis clinic in Lviv.

09:41 German MPs advocate deployment of Western soldiers for air defense in Ukraine

Leading members of the Bundestag from CDU, FDP, and Greens are contemplating protecting parts of Ukraine's airspace from NATO territory using Western air defense. They align with a proposal advanced by military expert Nico Lange from the Munich Security Conference, among others. According to Lange, a secure area about 70 kilometers wide might be created on Ukraine's borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. On behalf of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, its spokesperson for crisis prevention, Roderich Kiesewetter, asserts that such a deployment at NATO's eastern border would enable Western nations to shoot down "unmanned Russian missiles" over Ukraine. "This would relieve the Ukrainian air defense and enable it to safeguard the front line."

09:11 "Excessively high" - Ukraine reports significant casualties among Russian soldiers

The reality that Russian troops are presently exerting maximum effort to progress on the front in the east of the country and have begun an offensive near Kharkiv may be connected to the casualty statistics. Over the past day, Kiev announced 1320 Russian soldiers killed, accompanied by 15 tanks, 40 armored personnel carriers, and 55 artillery systems. Additionally, two rocket launchers, an air defense system, and 64 other military vehicles were destroyed. The accuracy of the information is unconfirmed. Security specialist Frank Umbach tells that Russian losses in the war are exceptionally high and projected to reach 500,000 soldiers by year's end - even based on NATO reports. Moscow is also experiencing difficulty with mobilization.

08:34 Journalists unveil spectacular access to pompous Putin palace

Journalists purportedly gained access to the interiors of Russian President Vladimir Putin's palace in Gelendzhik. It is claimed to have been completely finished and embody great extravagance: costly furniture, busts, substantial chandeliers, and a swimming pool are just a few of the features.

07:56 Russian invasion near Kharkiv, a metropolis of millions, raises worries - ISW analyzes the situation

The Institute for the Study of War assumes that the significant Russian offensive along the Russian-Ukrainian border in the north of the Kharkiv region targets attracting Ukrainian troops and materiel to other critical frontlines in eastern Ukraine. It is also probable that Russian forces have reserves ready to heighten their offensive operations in the coming days, ISW stated. "Nonetheless, the present limited efforts of Russian forces do not suggest that they are instantaneously initiating a vast-scale, comprehensive offensive operation to encircle and seize Kharkiv." The US think tank continues to believe that it would be complicated for the Russian military to capture Kharkiv if they desired to undertake such an action. This is because it would "likely necessitate them to set aside other critical areas of the front and withdraw considerable numbers of troops to the international border zone, which is highly unlikely given the Russian military's long-standing goal of capturing the entirety of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions."

23:30 The European Union is planning to give interest profits from frozen Russian assets worth billions to Ukraine - but barely anything will be received.

An older photo shows the dropping of FAB-250 bombs.

It's estimated that around €210 billion in Russian assets are frozen in the EU. However, the profit from these assets wouldn't generate a significant amount of funds for Ukraine. Ukrainian Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told Politico that the annual package of €3 billion euros from the interest profits of frozen Russian assets is "almost nothing" considering the country's needs. "We need hundreds of billions to win the war," Maliuska said. He emphasizes that the Ukrainian government is determined to seize these assets and believes it is the only way to resolve the conflict.

06:45 The United States is providing a new $400 million arms package for Ukraine.

The United States Department of Defense has announced additional aid to "meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs". This is the fifty-seventh tranche of equipment from US stocks for Ukraine since August 2021. The package is reportedly worth $400 million. The equipment includes ammunition for air defense systems, anti-aircraft missiles, artillery shells, armored personnel carriers, and rocket systems.

06:10 Ukraine is using robotic complexes in battle to minimize risks for soldiers.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reports that nine land-based robotic complexes have been put into operation since the start of the year. These robots can perform various tasks on the battlefield, reducing risks for Ukrainian forces. They are used for fighting, mine clearance, and evacuating wounded soldiers. Col. Volodymyr Rochniak, a representative of the Ministry of Defense, says, "Many domestic manufacturers are currently focusing on the production of robotic systems to increase Ukrainian Armed Forces' capabilities and save soldiers' lives."

05:45 Russian forces killed a civilian and injured two others in the Sumy region.

According to the regional military administration, Russian forces attacked nine settlements along the border with Sumy Oblast on May 10. One person was killed in artillery fire in the village of Esman, and her 17-year-old granddaughter was injured. Another resident was injured by the same artillery shelling in the village of Seredyna-Buda.

04:20 A Ukrainian official says Russian forces are trying to destroy the city of Vovchansk.

The head of the police patrol of Vovchansk claims that Russian forces are seeking to destroy the Ukrainian border town of Vovchansk. "Within 24 hours, there were probably several hundred hits by artillery, mines, and dozens of cluster bombs," he said.

03:53 A Russian governor reports three people were killed in an attack on an oil depot near Luhansk.

According to Russia's governor of Luhansk, Leonid Pasitschnik, three people were killed and six were injured in a Ukrainian attack on an oil depot in the region. A major fire broke out at the oil storage facility, and the governor suspects that the attack was carried out using US-supplied tactical army missile systems. There has been no immediate comment from the Ukrainian side.

03:00 Russia accuses Ukraine of launching drone attacks on their oblasts of Belgorod and Kursk.

The Russian Ministry of Defense says Ukraine used drones to attack agricultural buildings and equipment in the Russian oblasts of Belgorod and Kursk on May 10. A total of 17 projectiles were fired from the Vampire multiple rocket launcher, 13 drones, and five guided aerial bombs over Belgorod Oblast. The Governor of Belgorod Oblast, Vyacheslav Gladkov, says one drone destroyed a farm and damaged three buildings and two pieces of equipment. The governor of Russia's Kursk region, Roman Starovoit, also reported that 12 settlements in the Kursk region were attacked by drones, with one drone damaging an infrastructure facility.

02:30 President Zelensky announces a strong response from Ukraine against the latest Russian offensive.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video message, "There is fierce fighting along the entire front." He promised that Ukraine would "inevitably destroy the occupier" and thwart Russia's offensive plans.

01:45 A possible fire breaks out in an oil storage facility near Luhansk due to a Ukrainian attack.

The Russian news agency TASS reports that a fire broke out in an oil depot in the Russian-controlled region of Luhansk as a result of Ukrainian attack. The depot in Rowenky was allegedly hit.

10:14 PM: US gov't views Russian attack near Kharkiv as "serious concern" The American government is monitoring the latest significant Russian assault on the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv with apprehension. John Kirby, National Security Council Communications Director, noted, "We already knew Russia would launch an offensive against Kharkiv, and it now seems to have commenced." Since the beginning of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, its attempts to capture Kharkiv have failed. Kirby further expressed, "This particular move by the Russian military is 'quite intriguing' and definitely worrisome."

9:51 PM: Zelenskyi emphasizes need for prompt foreign military assistance Ukrainian President Zelenskyi underlines the importance of prompt deliveries of foreign military aid to help the Ukrainian military fend off the ongoing Russian offensive within Ukraine. "What proves most helpful are the weapons that are actually supplied to Ukraine, and not just the publicly announced packages," he mentioned during his evening video address. Zelenskyi was aware of the Russian invasion's imminence. "We're aware of the strength of the invading forces' troops and observe their intentions," he stated. "Our troops, artillery, and drones are responding to the aggressors."

For more background information, please review our coverage of previous events. [link]

Gepard anti-aircraft tanks have already saved the lives of many Ukrainians.

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