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07:19 Kuleba: Russia has destroyed the peace talks despite 200 negotiations.

Real-time updates on the Ukraine conflict

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin (l.) und der usbekische Präsident Shavkat Mirziyoyev am...
Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin (l.) und der usbekische Präsident Shavkat Mirziyoyev am Unabhängigkeitsdenkmal im Yangi O'zbekiston Park in Taschkent.

07:19 Kuleba: Russia has destroyed the peace talks despite 200 negotiations.

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba stated that negotiations with Russia have been unsuccessful in the past. He stated that Russia does not tend to negotiate in good faith, unless they are forced to do so. Over the course of 200 rounds of peace talks between 2014 and 2022, Russia has undermined the peace process and started a "total war" against Ukraine. Kuleba believes that the only solution lies in unifying the entire international community, which should pave the way for true peace. The peace summit taking place in Switzerland on June 15 and 16 is crucially important and more countries should participate, he stated.

7:36 - What is happening on the Russian territory near the Ukrainian border?

Russian troops, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, are amassing near the Ukrainian border, 90 kilometers from Kharkiv. The Russian move is likely to distract Ukrainian troops and lure them into attacks, while preparing for offensive operations to expand Russia's influence in the border area, as observed by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Satellite images suggest the Russian military has increased its presence at depots and storage facilities in settlements in the region over the past few weeks. The exact extent of Russian troop concentration is currently unknown.

4:59 - Klitschko Urges Western Countries to Help after Deadly Attack in Kharkiv

The attack on a supermarket in Kharkiv with several casualties has left a profound mark. Vitali Klitschko writes on his platform, "These Ukrainians died because of Russian bombs, because we did not have sufficient anti-aircraft defense." Klitschko demands that Western nations with Patriot systems provide this defense. Additionally, he suggests that Ukrainian planes should be allowed to attack targets within Russia that launch rockets and combat aircraft against Ukraine.

4:16 - Air Alert in Southern Ukraine

In southern Ukraine, there is another air alert at night. The Ukrainian military is on the lookout for a Russian stealth bomber, the Su-57, over the Black Sea and warning of the launch of cruise missiles.

4:57 - Selenskyy Calls for Allowance of Preventive Strikes against Russia

Ukrainian President Zelensky is demanding the right to use Western weapons on Russian territory after the deadly bombing of Kharkiv. He expressed his gratitude for the condemnation from various foreign politicians and organizations while urging it to lead to some action. Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine needs more air defense and the right to shoot with its foreign weapons on Russian soil. A political decision must be made to allow the destruction of these forces before they can attack Ukraine.

1:40 - Four Civilians Killed by Russian Shelling

The Ukrainian prosecutor's office reported that three civilians were killed by Russian shelling in the Donetsk region. People were killed in Siversk in the north of the region and in Krasnohorivka and Chassiv Yar further south. Additionally, a civilian was killed near the city of Chuhuiv.

12:47 - Zelensky Travels to Spain

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will visit Spain today. Zelensky is to be welcomed by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez at noon, as per the Spanish government in Madrid. A press conference is also planned.

23:18 - Macron - "Peace is not capitulation, not abandoning principles"

French President Emmanuel Macron urged against giving up support for Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. He underscored that staying on the side of peace today requires providing strength and support to the cause of the law. "Peace is not capitulation. Peace is not abandoning principles," Macron emphasized during his three-day state visit to Germany. He reiterated that, together with Germany, they would defend Ukraine until the end and ensure the country has the opportunity to defend its borders and sovereignty, without giving up on principles.

22:22 - Medvedev Threatens Poland with "Radioactive Ash"

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev issued a warning to Poland, threatening them with "radioactive ash" after comments made by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski regarding potential US reaction to a Russian nuclear attack on Ukraine. Sikorski had spoken to The Guardian, a British newspaper, about how the United States might respond to Russian nuclear strikes on Ukraine. Medvedev, in response, wrote on his Telegram channel, "If the Americans hit our targets, it means a world war, and a foreign minister, even of a country like Poland, should understand that. Warsaw will not be spared and will certainly receive its share of radioactive ash. Is that what you want?"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave his first media interview to journalists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The video interview was published by the Kazakh media outlet "Orda" on YouTube. When asked about the possibility of a ceasefire with Russia, Zelenskyy said there were no prospects for an agreement.

Putin pays a state visit to Uzbekistan and meets with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the airport in Tashkent, the capital of the Central Asian state. The visit is aimed at discussing the development of Russian-Uzbek relations and current issues in the region, and it is expected that a "comprehensive package of bilateral documents" will be signed during the two-day visit.

The Ukrainian General Staff reported 83 clashes with Russian forces on Sunday, with no major changes in the direction of Kharkiv. Despite reported "maximum efforts" by the Russians to break through the Ukrainian defense lines, Ukrainian troops are taking measures to hold their positions and destroy the offensive potential of the enemy.

150 people protested outside the US Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, demanding the repeal of the restriction on attacking Russian territory with Western weapons. The confusion surrounding the restriction has spread among the Ukrainian populace.

In Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, thousands of demonstrators participated in a "Freedom March" to commemorate Georgian Independence Day. They carried the flags of Georgia and the European Union and shouted slogans against the controversial law on "foreign influence." The protesters also turned on their mobile phones as torches, chanting, "No to the Russian law!" and "No to the Russian regime!" Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili had spoken earlier at an event in Tbilisi about the "shadow of Russia" looming over Georgia.

Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin (l.) und der usbekische Präsident Shavkat Mirziyoyev am Unabhängigkeitsdenkmal im Yangi O'zbekiston Park in Taschkent.

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