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Wüst calls for migration summit with Scholz

If Prime Minister Wüst has his way, a summit on migration will be held early in the new year. He also reiterates his call for asylum procedures outside of Europe.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst wants to end irregular migration.
North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst wants to end irregular migration.

Refugees - Wüst calls for migration summit with Scholz

North Rhine-Westphalia's Minister President Hendrik Wüst is calling for a new summit meeting on migration in the Chancellery. "We need an asylum summit with the Federal Chancellor early in the new year," the CDU politician told Bild am Sonntag.

"The heads of government from the federal states and the federal government must review the effectiveness of the measures taken so far in January, or February at the latest, and be prepared to make adjustments if necessary in order to end irregular migration."

At the last asylum summit at the beginning of November, Scholz reached an agreement with the heads of government of the 16 federal states after months of dispute over the distribution of refugee costs and agreed measures to reduce irregular migration to Germany. The German government also wanted to examine whether asylum procedures outside of Europe were possible.

At the time, Wüst in particular had insisted on asylum procedures outside of Europe. He has now reiterated this demand: "Approaches outside of Europe, such as third-country solutions and a binding regulation for people from countries with low protection quotas, should be at the top of the agenda." Fundamentally, the Christian Democrat emphasized that Germany "cannot fight poverty around the world with our asylum law".

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