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Warnemünde: Seagull Insurance Available at Fish Sandwich Stall

By the seashore, a fish sandwich is a common vacation treat for those visiting the North and Baltic Seas. However, delicious food often attracts seagulls seeking it out. A fish stand in Warnemünde is taking action against these feathered thieves.

Attack successful: Anyone eating a fish sandwich on the North and Baltic Seas should always keep an...
Attack successful: Anyone eating a fish sandwich on the North and Baltic Seas should always keep an eye out for seagulls (archive photo).

Robbing fowls - Warnemünde: Seagull Insurance Available at Fish Sandwich Stall

By the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas, tourists know the typical scenario: when hunger strikes, there's only one remedy - a delectable fish sandwich from a stand right by the beach. It's not only beloved by young and old, but also by those feathery thieves, seagulls, who initiate their thievery from the skies: seagulls swoop down on their prey to steal their snack.

It's a common issue. In the renowned Baltic Sea resort of Warnemünde, a restaurateur has devised an ingenious solution: Nemo Borowski of the "Wal-Bar" is introducing the first "Seagull Police" - an insurance against those avian burglars.

Combat Seagull Heists: Warnemünde Bistro Introduces Fish Sandwich Insurance

"In the initial three days since opening, we witnessed 30 assaults," Borowski told the "Ostsee-Zeitung." "The seagulls perch on the roof and wait for their opportunity to snatch."

Clearly not a pleasant experience for customers wishing to savor one of his mouthwatering fish sandwiches. That's why the restaurateur now "insures" his sandwiches against seagull plundering. He guarantees: Anyone whose fish sandwich is taken by a seagull shall receive a replacement - absolutely free. Legal contracts do not govern this offer, but in a predicament, what matters is a pledge. And that's what his customers reap from Borowski. The restaurateur presumes the "Fish Sandwich Insurance" will set him back approximately 30 euros a day.

He harbors no qualms of customers attempting to exploit the system to get a gratis side of fish. This policy only applies to the premises of his eatery. The theft must take place shortly following the purchase. Although, some may attempt feeding seagulls to obtain a free additional sandwich, (1) it breaches stringent laws against seagull feeding, and (2) no one would willingly risk suffering the attacks.

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