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Updated rainfall in southern Germany, limited effects on individual operations.

Southern Germans anxiously gaze at the sky as rain continues to fall, with many still occupied in post-flood cleanup efforts. Unfortunately, the unsettled weather persists.

Firefighters pump out a cellar in Veringenstadt after a storm.
Firefighters pump out a cellar in Veringenstadt after a storm.

Weather front brings heavy rain and strong winds to the area. - Updated rainfall in southern Germany, limited effects on individual operations.

After receiving weather alerts and experiencing heavy rain in southern regions of Germany, larger-scale fire department interventions were initially prevented on Saturday night. The German Meteorological Service had forewarned of intense thunderstorms and heavy downpours in multiple districts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Majority of these alerts have been lifted now.

In a small town named Veringenstadt situated close to Reutlingen, the fire brigade extracted water from the roads and cellars. According to the operations leader, the sewer system was overwhelmed by the overwhelming rain and couldn't drain any longer.

In Bavaria, officers from Rosenheim and Kempten said that the amount of police and fire department interventions was within usual limits. In Swabia, hail was falling in certain areas too. Parts of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are battling with extreme floods. The situation was very critical in Regensburg as the level of the Danube river was gradually lowering.

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