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Total global coal consumption higher than ever before

In 2023

Total global coal consumption higher than ever
Total global coal consumption higher than ever

Total global coal consumption higher than ever before

Never before has so much coal been consumed worldwide as this year. The International Energy Agency (IEA) announced in Paris on Friday that total consumption of this fossil fuel, which is harmful to the climate, had risen by 1.4 per cent to 8.5 billion tons. The IEA is optimistic that "the peak could be reached in 2023" and that coal consumption will decline from next year onwards.

The previous peak was reached last year. At the same time, it is already becoming apparent that 2023 will be the warmest year worldwide since records began.

While demand for coal is already falling sharply in Europe and the USA, consumption in Asia has increased considerably in 2023.

In China alone, 220 million tons more coal were consumed than in the previous year, which corresponds to an increase of 4.9%. This means that China alone consumes more than half of global coal production. Around 60 percent of coal in China is used to produce electricity.

According to the IEA, an increase of eight percent was recorded in India. Consumption in Indonesia increased by eleven percent. Coal consumption there is also boosted by the production of nickel, which is needed for batteries in electric cars.

Russia is in fourth place worldwide. However, the IEA notes that consumption is currently difficult to determine due to the war against Ukraine.

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