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Thai activist passes away following 110-day fast.

Serving time for disrespecting royalty.

Thai activist dies after 110 days on hunger strike
Thai activist dies after 110 days on hunger strike

Thai activist passes away following 110-day fast.

After 110 days without food, an influential Thai protester has unfortunately passed away in prison. Netiporn "Bung" Sanesangkhom was discovered unresponsive and lifeless in her cell this morning, per Thammasat University Hospital. Attempts to revive her within the prison walls were fruitless, so she was brought to a hospital north of Bangkok.

More efforts to revive her during transport and at the facility were similarly unsuccessful. Her death was confirmed in the morning, we're told. Post-mortem examinations of her body were scheduled.

According to the legal advocacy group Thai Lawyers for Human Rights, Netiporn had been imprisoned since January 26 due to lese majeste allegations. This crime can lead to lengthy incarcerations in Thailand.

Her plea for bail rejection prompted a hunger strike, where she fought for the rights of political prisoners to be released on bail. Additionally, she sought to persuade the government to discontinue persecuting individuals for their political expressions or gatherings.

Once a teacher of English online, Netiporn had previously been held briefly and staged a hunger strike with other activists about two years ago. At that time, Amnesty International requested her immediate bail and proper healthcare during her captivity.

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