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Sliding Castle Ruins Due to Flood

The relentless rainfall in Rosenheim's vicinity is eroding historical landmarks, including Falkenstein Castle, which is now experiencing stability issues and sliding.

Parts of the Falkenstein castle ruins in Flintsbach, Upper Bavaria, have slid down after heavy...
Parts of the Falkenstein castle ruins in Flintsbach, Upper Bavaria, have slid down after heavy rainfall.

Bavaria: State in Germany - Sliding Castle Ruins Due to Flood

A portion of Falkenstein Castle in Flintsbach, Upper Bavaria is sliding downhill because of ongoing rainfall. Authorities in Rosenheim have safely evacuated 50 people living beneath the castle. Falkenstein Castle is a well-known landmark and a popular hiking spot close to the Austrian border.

Falkenstein Castle's main structure was constructed around 1300, as mentioned by the Chiemsee-Alpenland Tourism Association. The outer part of the castle was built during the 15th and 16th centuries. After an expansion period in the 16th and 17th centuries, the complex was destroyed by fires, transforming it into a ruin. The monumental Petersberg complex includes the Romanesque Peterskirche and the nearby Mesnerhaus, and the full extent of the ruin's damage is unknown.

The Rosenheim district's flood situation remains concerning. Residents are asked to remain indoor as much as possible. The district's authority released a statement on Monday evening, stating: "There is a severe risk to life and limb." People should avoid spending time outdoors, keep away from any open bodies of water, and not obstruct emergency responders while performing their duties.

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