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Selensky greeted by King Felipe in Spain.

Selenskyj has abandoned a journey to Spain owing to the challenging conditions in Kharkiv region. Now, he is compensating for it.

Spniens König Felipe VI. begrüßt den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj.
Spniens König Felipe VI. begrüßt den ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj.

Conflict in Ukraine - Selensky greeted by King Felipe in Spain.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, made his way to Spain for his initial official visit. His arrival at Madrid's Adolfo Suarez airport was marked with King Felipe VI meeting him on the stairs of the aircraft.

One of the first things on Zelensky's agenda was meeting with Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. A bilateral security agreement was scheduled to be signed, as announced by the left-wing government. Later in the day, Zelensky is set to attend a reception at the Royal Palace.

As for what else is planned for Zelensky's visit, Spanish media speculated that he may visit the Spanish Parliament in the afternoon. This had not been officially confirmed yet.

These visits to Spain and Portugal were originally scheduled for the middle of the month, but Zelensky postponed them due to Russia's aggression in the Kharkiv region. No official date had been announced for his visit to Portugal as of Monday. There were rumors, though, that he would travel from Spain to Portugal.

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