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Police seek witnesses after a 21-year-old individual is fatally injured at Niebüll.

In Schleswig-Hostein, a woman's body is discovered in a wooded spot, prompting the homicide squad and prosecutor's office to carry on their inquiry. They also widen their plea for anyone with information to come forward.

The body of a 21-year-old woman has been found near Niebüll in Schleswig-Holstein.
The body of a 21-year-old woman has been found near Niebüll in Schleswig-Holstein.

Illicit activities or unlawful deeds committed. - Police seek witnesses after a 21-year-old individual is fatally injured at Niebüll.

Police officials are currently conducting an investigation after a 21-year-old was found dead in a forest near Niebüll, Schleswig-Holstein. The identity of the suspects is still unknown, and the authorities are in the process of questioning individuals from all directions. A spokesperson for the Flensburg Public Prosecutor's Office has confirmed that a murder has indeed taken place. The latest forensic examinations reveal this conclusion. The spokesperson made no further comments on the ongoing probe.

The woman's relatives had been expecting her to check in with them on Friday due to an agreement they had previously made. When she failed to do so, they reported her missing. On Saturday morning, her body was discovered in a wooded area, and the last time she was seen was on Friday at around 8:00 p.m. She had left the institution she lived in to head to a park to the west of Niebüll for some exercise.

The murder commission is now widening their search for potential witnesses. Anyone who was in the area of the park between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Friday is urged to report to the police in Flensburg, as they could hold valuable information.

In addition, the police and the prosecutor's office have requested that people living or owning businesses to the west of the railway line in Niebüll maintain any possible CCTV footage or video recorded outdoors. These recordings should be kept before they are automatically deleted. The authorities are also encouraging people who saw anyone with unusually dirty clothing or hands in their vicinity on Friday to contact the station as well.

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