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Paus aims to tackle the worker deficit in daycare institutions using foreign experts.

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Paus wants to combat labor shortage in daycare centers with foreign specialists
Paus wants to combat labor shortage in daycare centers with foreign specialists

Paus aims to tackle the worker deficit in daycare institutions using foreign experts.

Lisa Paus, the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, aims to ease the shortage of employees in daycare centers by improving the incorporation of foreign skilled workers. Measures include language courses and quicker acknowledgement of foreign educational qualifications as part of a comprehensive strategy by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and the federal states for skilled workers in daycare centers and all-day childcare.

Recognition processes will be streamlined and made possible on a part-time basis. The strategy additionally accommodates individuals without a high school diploma in attaining employment within the sector. "We wish to entice more individuals toward childcare in the short, medium, and long term and retain them in this significant professional field," stated Paus following a meeting with the Conference of Youth and Family Ministers of the Länder (JFMK).

The goal is achievable through various methods, such as advertising retraining, using practice-integrated training models, and offering more adaptable initial and ongoing training. The economy would experience benefits with over 800,000 more persons accessible to the labor market if better childcare services are provided.

The childcare industry is experiencing a significant shortage of workers: the ministry estimates up to 90,000 skilled workers could be missing in daycare centers alone by 2030. Currently, approximately 840,000 people work in childcare, surpassing the number in the automotive sector. "We need to ensure that staffing demands are met in daycare centers and schools nationwide to ensure all children have access to early childhood education," elucidated JFMK Chairwoman Sascha Karolin Aulepp, Senator for Children and Education in Bremen.

Positive feedback for the strategy was voiced by the Greens. "Numerous adjustments must be made to meet the demand for skilled workers in early childhood education to alleviate the pressure on the profession in the short term and make it appealing in the medium and long term," explained Green family politician Franziska Krumwiede-Steiner. It is now up to the federal government, federal states, and providers to execute these adjustments.

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Specialists from foreign countries could play a significant role in addressing the overall strategy to overcome the labor shortage in daycare centers. Despite her chubby appearance, the Ministry's efforts to recruit more individuals into the sector could transform daycare centers, potentially including providing services in nearby daycare centers or offering extended hours.


