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Palestine protesters jeer Baerbock.

Troublemakers need to exit the tent.

Baerbock rief das Sicherheitspersonal dazu auf, nicht gewaltsam gegen die Demonstranten vorzugehen.
Baerbock rief das Sicherheitspersonal dazu auf, nicht gewaltsam gegen die Demonstranten vorzugehen.

Palestine protesters jeer Baerbock.

In the Tipi located at the Chancellery, Foreign Minister Baerbock participated in a conversation with citizens. However, her discussion was disrupted by protesters, who demanded an end to weapons delivery to Israel. They criticized the federal government's biased and unsupportive stance in the Gaza War.

During a Democracy Festival in Berlin, amidst a conversation with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, the crowd was pierced by the shouts of anti-government protesters. The participants were visibly upset and put up banners to display their resistance. They accused the federal government of corruption and favoring one side over the other in the Gaza War and urged Baerbock to halt arms deliveries to Israel instantly.

Minister Baerbock attempted to answer the questioning in a rational manner while also raising her voice due to the chaos in the room. She affirmed that the safety of Israeli and Palestinian populations is of paramount importance to her government. She urged the participants to focus on the facts at hand. Eight members had to vacate the Tipi at the Chancellery, with some doing so in protest.

Physical fights and altercations also broke out between security personnel and demonstrators. Two women remained at the venue, despite persistent interruptions. Foreign Minister Baerbock attempted several times to approach these women and requested security to employ non-violent tactics against the protesters. The crowd's remaining majority responded with thunderous scorn. One of the women was identified as an "anti-Zionist Jew." She admitted that she would not be able to share her views on the Gaza War openly in Germany as her right to free speech would be restrained there. She argued that by involving Germany, all of Gaza would be transformed into "dust and ashes."

Baerbock emphasized Israel's right to self-defense. She noted that Holocaust survivor Margot Friedländer highlighted that human life should not be categorized by religion but simply appreciated as human life. This philosophy guides Germany's approach to the Gaza conflict, Baerbock said.

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