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Noted Actress Passes Away at 92

Actress Ruth Maria Kubitschek has passed away at the age of 92, leaving behind her legacy in over 160 films and TV shows.

Ruth Maria Kubitschek celebrated her breakthrough as an actress in 1966.
Ruth Maria Kubitschek celebrated her breakthrough as an actress in 1966.

In remembrance of Ruth Maria Kubitschek. - Noted Actress Passes Away at 92

The well-known German-Swiss actress, Ruth Maria Kubitschek, has sadly passed away. It's been confirmed that she died on June 1st at the ripe age of 92 in Switzerland. A rep from the "Bild" newspaper revealed this news to the public.

Kubitschek, born August 2, 1931 in Komotau (Czechoslovakia), started her incredible career approximately 60 years ago with the crime trilogy "Melissa". Throughout her career, she went on to partake in more than 160 TV and film productions, such as the comedies "Didi - The Doppelganger" and "Otto - The Love Film". She also penned a few books. Her most iconic role took shape in the successful series "Monaco Franze - The Eternal Stench" (1983), where she played the beloved character "Spatzl".

The late actress will be missed by her family, including her son, who was born in 1957.

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