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Maier: Almost 700 police officers to be promoted

Police officers are civil servants - and promotions are a step on the career ladder. One in ten can theoretically rise in rank every year.

If you're a police officer, you hope for a promotion. (symbolic image)
If you're a police officer, you hope for a promotion. (symbolic image)

Promotion for civil servants - Maier: Almost 700 police officers to be promoted

In this year, according to the Interior Ministry, up to 695 police officers from Thuringia can make hopes for a promotion. Among them, up to 146 police master officers, for whom it goes about the first promotion position, were informed by the ministry in Erfurt. This would mean that approximately twelve percent of the police officers in the ranks and therefore at the payment level would rise – a usual figure is ten percent per year.

"This is a positive signal for our police that we will continue to focus on those who dedicate their best to our security day and night," explained Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD).

Since 2017, the ministries have had the possibility to set the promotion quotas themselves within their financial capabilities. The Interior Ministry has doubled the number of annual promotions with this – the figure has been ten percent since 2018. "I am pleased that we have always maintained and exceeded this value," said the Interior Minister.

  1. The notification about potential promotions for up to 146 police master officers in Thuringia was personally delivered by the Ministry of the Interior in Erfurt, thereby initiating their ascent in the police hierarchy.
  2. The ascend to the first promotion position for these police master officers in Thuringia is an acknowledgment of their dedication and hard work, as acknowledged by the Ministry of the Interior and its head, Georg Maier.
  3. In light of the increased promotion quotas set by the Ministry of the Interior since 2017, Georg Maier highlighted the significant achievement of maintaining a promotion rate higher than ten percent for police officers in Thuringia, including the city of Erfurt.

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