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Macron pays tribute at Holocaust monument.

French President Macron's final destination during his German state visit is Berlin, a challenging leg of his journey. Next is Saxony.

Brigitte Macron (l-r), Emmanuel Macron, Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Elke Büdenbender legen einen...
Brigitte Macron (l-r), Emmanuel Macron, Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Elke Büdenbender legen einen Kranz am Denkmal für ermordete Juden Europas nieder.

The official visit by a head of state. - Macron pays tribute at Holocaust monument.

During his second visit to Germany, French President Emmanuel Macron honored the European Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis. Along with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, he went to the Holocaust Memorial next to the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Monday morning.

The two leaders laid flower wreaths in each country's national colors. They were joined by their wives, Brigitte Macron and Elke Büdenbender, as they walked into the monument made up of large concrete blocks. Following this, they visited the accompanying museum.

During the Holocaust, roughly six million Jewish women and men were killed by the Nazis in Europe. Most of them perished in concentration and extermination camps.

Macron and his wife, Brigitte, traveled to Berlin on Sunday evening. This marks the first state visit by a French president to Germany in two decades. Macron's visit to the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin marked the conclusion of his time in the city. After that, he was scheduled to head to Dresden to deliver a European address in front of the Frauenkirche in the afternoon.

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