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Large memorial event held in Halle for Peter Sodann.

In Halle, theater professionals, politicians, and long-term friends commemorated the life's achievements of the late actor Peter Sodann.

Peter Sodann in front of his long-standing place of work, the Neues Theater in Halle.
Peter Sodann in front of his long-standing place of work, the Neues Theater in Halle.

Celebrating her 88th birthday today. - Large memorial event held in Halle for Peter Sodann.

Nearly two months after his passing on April 5th, a significant memorial event was held on June 1st in Halle to celebrate the life and career of actor and theater director Peter Sodann (1936-2024). Actors, cultural figures, and politicians gathered at the Neue Theater, where Sodann had spent a considerable amount of time, to pay their last respects to the beloved citizen of the city.

National Fame through a Role in "Tatort" as Detective Ehrlicher

Even during the DDR era, this talented actor, famous for his part as "Tatort" detective Bruno Ehrlicher, played an important role in shaping the cultural landscape of the Saxon city. Sodann's most enduring legacy was the "Cultural Island of Halle," which he created as the artistic director of the Landestheater Halle in the 1980s and breathed life into with his artistic vision.

A Theater Director with a Sense of Humor and Charm

The memorial service also doubled as a birthday celebration for the popular actor, director, and theater manager - it would have been his 88th birthday on that day.

The well-attended event was presided over by Matthias Brenner (66), the ex-director of the Neue Theater, who collaborated closely with the legend for many years. During his speech, he described this gathering as a "memorial service" and highlighted the vibrant and spirited persona of Sodann, making each collaboration with him a remarkable experience. "I wish I could've argued with him, I wish I could've had fun and laughed with him, because the time we spent together was always inspirational," Brenner reminisced.

Recognition of a Straightforward and Integrity-Driven Democrat

Saxony-Anhalt's Cultural Secretary Sebastian Putz (49) also shared his thoughts in his speech, praising Sodann's unwavering commitment to his beliefs as a politically active individual. Putz called Sodann an "Eastern German with a left-wing consciousness," who remained steadfast in his political ideals, even when faced with opposition and polarization.

It is a tragedy for the entire country that the voice of "this straightforward and upright democrat, with his own and direct form of intervention, in these tumultuous and momentous times is no longer being heard."

Read also:

  1. At the memorial service, Matthias Brenner, the former director of the Neue Theater, eulogized Peter Sodann, highlighting their shared history and the spirited collaborations they had enjoyed.
  2. The memorial event for Peter Sodann, held on his 88th birthday, was attended by numerous actors, cultural figures, and politicians, who paid tribute to his life's work and significant contributions to the cultural landscape of Halle.
  3. While remembering Peter Sodann, Bruno Ehrlicher, a renowned actor who gained national fame through his role in "Tatort," praised Sodann's influence and the "Cultural Island of Halle" that he established as artistic director of the Landestheater Halle.
  4. Following the memorial service, Matthias Brenner, Peter Sodann's longtime collaborator, expressed his regrets at no longer having the opportunity to argue or laugh with Sodann, who remained a source of inspiration throughout their professional journey together.



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