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Inventory of Auerhahn recovering slightly but still in danger

The situation for the black grouse remains very bad. This is not improved by the slightly recovered population in the Black Forest.

For a long time, the population of Auerhaens in Baden-Wurttemberg has decreased. Now there is a...
For a long time, the population of Auerhaens in Baden-Wurttemberg has decreased. Now there is a small sign of hope, the number of animals has increased.

Animals - Inventory of Auerhahn recovering slightly but still in danger

The Black Grouse, which is threatened with extinction, has been shedding feathers for years in the Black Forest National Park. The population, which has significantly shrunk, seems to have recovered slightly this year, according to the Baden-Württemberg Hunting Association. They reportedly counted 111 courting males during monitoring. "The low point of two years ago, when only 97 males were counted, has apparently been overcome," the association stated. However, the number is still significantly lower than in 2014, when there were 260 males. According to the Forest Research and Experiment Station (FVA), the distribution area of the animal has also shrunk in the past five years.

For comparison, while approximately 315 males were counted in the Schwarzwald during the breeding season in 2012, there were only 114 in 2021. The birds are counted based on the number of males during the breeding season. With an assumed gender ratio of 1:1, it is estimated that there are around 222 males and females in the state. Generally, it is assumed that at least 500 animals are necessary to secure the population and the survival of the Black Grouse.

Not all participate in the mating dance

According to environmentalists, Black Grouses live in Baden-Württemberg only in the Black Forest. The males distribute themselves almost evenly between the Karlsruhe and Freiburg government districts, with 51 males recorded at breeding sites and 60 males counted. However, not all males participate in the mating dance during the census. Young males, for example, do not regularly take part in the proceedings, as Raffael Kratzer of the Schwarzwald National Park explained. "There is hope that these will participate in the mating dance in the next few years," he added.

Lack of secure hiding places

Forestry and tourism pose a threat to these sensitive birds, as do wind turbines. Forests with tall trees do not provide them with secure hiding places, and disturbances during the breeding and mating season can disrupt the birds. During the breeding and mating season, certain areas are closed off to provide the Black Grouses with protected areas. In addition, the shy Black Grouse is reportedly directly affected by climate change. The breeding and mating season begins on average over a week earlier than 15 years ago due to shorter winters.

Since 2008, there has been an Action Plan for Black Grouse in Baden-Württemberg as a comprehensive conservation concept for the protected bird species in the Schwarzwald. In the National Park, the development of the Black Grouse population and the reproduction rate are monitored.

  1. To ensure the survival of the Black Grouse, a minimum of 500 animals is often considered necessary for nature protection, as stated in the comprehensive conservation concept for the protected bird species in Baden-Württemberg's National Park.
  2. The Black Forest National Park is not only home to the threatened Black Grouse but also to various other bird species, such as the Quail, which contribute to the diverse avian ecosystem present at different levels of the forest.
  3. Implementing proper measures to maintain the forest's natural state, including preserving the trees' height and minimizing disturbances during the breeding and mating season, can significantly improve the safety and comfort of sensitive birds like the Black Grouse in their black forest habitats.
  4. To effectively conserve the Black Grouse population in the Black Forest, it is crucial to adopt a collaborative approach, engaging not just environmentalists and forestry experts but also governmental bodies, such as Baden-Württemberg, in implementing various strategies, such as the Action Plan for Black Grouse, which was established as early as 2008 in Stuttgart.

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