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In a clandestine Ukrainian bar, Blinken grooves to the music.

For Neil Young's "Free World"...

"Rockin' in the Free World": Blinken shows how it's done.
"Rockin' in the Free World": Blinken shows how it's done.

In a clandestine Ukrainian bar, Blinken grooves to the music.

Antony Blinken, the United States Secretary of State, recently made a surprise visit to Ukraine to show support. While there, he didn't just meet with President Zelensky and his Foreign Minister Kuleba, but also visited a local bar. In a heartwarming moment, he grabbed a guitar and performed "Rockin' in The Free World," a song by Neil Young.

At the Barman Dictat bar in the heart of Kiev, Blinken spoke with the locals about their ongoing struggle against the Russian invasion. He expressed sympathy for the hardships they face, with particular emphasis on those in the northeast, in Kharkiv. "This is a very difficult time," acknowledged Blinken. "But know this, the United States is here for you, and much of the world is too."

Blinken emphasized that Ukraine's fight for freedom isn't just for their country, but for the entire world. "You're not just fighting for a free Ukraine, you're fighting for a free world," he stressed. "And the people of a free world are with you." Following this, he picked up a guitar and started strumming the song.

Upon his arrival in Kiev on Tuesday, Blinken also had meetings with president Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The trio later ate pizza at a restaurant founded by a war veteran.

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