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He plans to challenge the ruling made in Los Angeles.

Harvey Weinstein files an appeal against his Los Angeles conviction, following the overturn of his New York conviction in April.

Harvey Weinstein at a court hearing on May 1, 2024.
Harvey Weinstein at a court hearing on May 1, 2024.

A Sexual Abuse Allegation Against Harvey Weinstein. - He plans to challenge the ruling made in Los Angeles.

Recently, a New York appeals court reversed a rape conviction for Harvey Weinstein (72), and now he's appealing the case in Los Angeles. According to "Sky News," Weinstein's attorneys are trying to have the trial in California re-tried.

Weinstein's lawyers call the trial process "unfair"

In the process that his legal team calls "unfair," Weinstein received a 16-year prison sentence in Los Angeles in 2022 for rape and sexual assault. Just two years prior, he was given a 23-year prison sentence in New York for sexual offenses. On April 25th, the New York court overturned this sentence, as a majority of the appeals judges voiced concerns about women testifying in court about accusations that were not part of the indictment. The prosecution office plans to re-trial the case, with potential proceedings happening in the fall.

The #MeToo movement, which garnered attention for women concerning sexual assaults worldwide, gained recognition in 2017 due to the allegations against the fallen film producer.

The appellate briefs

In appellate briefs from Los Angeles, which "Sky News" mentions, Weinstein's lawyers express concerns about several factors. One of these concerns is that the jurors in California were unfairly exposed to his New York conviction. They also claim that the jurors, like in New York, were affected by allegations from women about assaults that weren't legally charged against him.

Weinstein was found guilty in one of the four cases against him in 2022. He was accused of raping a woman in 2013 at an Italian film festival. As per "Sky News," the legal team representing the woman is confident that "Weinstein's appeal will be denied."

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Weinstein is planning to challenge the ruling made against him in Los Angeles, following the New York appeals court's reversal of his rape conviction. This 72-year-old film producer received a 16-year prison sentence in Los Angeles for rape and sexual assault in 2022, adding to his 23-year sentence from New York's 2020 conviction. Sky News reported that Weinstein's attorneys are arguing for a re-trial in California, citing the unfair exposure of his New York conviction to the jurors and the possible impact of uncharged assault allegations. In the original trial, Weinstein was convicted in one of the four cases against him, involving a rape allegation in 2013 at an Italian film festival. Despite the ongoing appeal, the woman's legal team expresses confidence in the denial of Weinstein's appeal in Los Angeles.



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