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Halsey, a singer, reveals her health condition.

Grateful for surviving.

Halsey has good and bad news for her fans,
Halsey has good and bad news for her fans,

Halsey, a singer, reveals her health condition.

Halsey, a well-known singer, recently announced that she's working on a new album and single called "The End." Her fans are ecstatic about this news, but some are worried after hearing that her health hasn't been great lately.

Taking to Instagram, Halsey stated: "I may have given a long speech, but the short meaning is: I'm lucky to be alive. And in case you missed it, I also wrote a whole album."

Her posts seem to hint at severe health issues she's recently battled. One clip shows her rubbing her painful-looking legs while seated on a sofa. She muses: "Feels like an old lady. I've decided to give myself two more years to be sick. By the time I'm 30, I'll have a rejuvenation, won't be sick anymore, will be hot and full of energy, and live my twenties again in my thirties."

Another video shows Halsey attaching an IV in a hospital setting. Although she doesn't specify the illness she's dealing with, she mentions the "Leukemia & Lymphoma Society" and the "Lupus Research Alliance" in her post, implying that she might be related to these diseases.

The "Leukemia & Lymphoma Society" and "Lupus Research Alliance" are charitable organizations, and according to a recent press release, they will receive part of Halsey's album's earnings.

Halsey publicly disclosed her health struggles in 2022. She suffered from various ailments following the birth of her son, and doctors eventually diagnosed her with autoimmune diseases like Sjögren's Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).

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