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Final speeches in the hush money trial involving Trump.

The final opportunity to sway the jury's decision remains; the query in question: Did Donald Trump conceal payments to a porn actress?

Trump versucht die Anschuldigungen in einen persönlichen Vorteil umzumünzen und seine...
Trump versucht die Anschuldigungen in einen persönlichen Vorteil umzumünzen und seine Anhängerschaft zu mobilisieren, indem er sich als Opfer einer politisch motivierten Justiz inszeniert.

In the trial against Donald Trump for financial misconduct, the prosecution and defense will have one last chance to convince twelve jurors of Trump's guilt or innocence. This is the first criminal trial against a former US president in American history, and it's regarding alleged document forgery in 34 cases. If convicted, Trump could face multiple years in prison, although it could be suspended, or a hefty fine. He maintains his innocence.

This high-profile trial has been ongoing since mid-April, with over 20 witnesses being heard. The prosecution claims that Trump attempted to boost his chances in the 2016 election by paying Stormy Daniels, a porn star, $130,000; although the payment itself wasn't illegal, it's alleged that Trump manipulated documents when reimbursing Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, to hide the transaction's real purpose. If it's proven to be illegal campaign financing, he could be convicted.

The trial's outcome could influence the current election campaign in the US. Trump is attempting to leverage these accusations into a personal advantage by portraying himself as a victim of politically motivated justice while rallying his supporters. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden seemingly benefits from the proceedings against his challenger.

After the final arguments, the jurors will retire to deliberate and must achieve a unanimous verdict. There's no set timeline, but juries typically deliberate for several hours to various days. If there's a conviction, a separate hearing will determine Trump's sentence. If the jurors remain divided even after extended deliberation, the trial will end. The prosecution could then choose to restart with a new jury.

Taking place in downtown Manhattan under an intense media spotlight and tight security, Trump was present for every session. He altered his tie's color daily and typically kept a somber disposition during the photo opportunities. Some witness examinations intrigued Trump, while others left him bored and possibly asleep. Trump seized this trial and the media attention for his election campaign, appearing before the cameras outside the courtroom with regularity, rarely responding to questions, and making declarations about the false motives behind these proceedings. However, this type of behavior improved over the course of the trial, as he managed to comply better with Judge Merchan's instructions and refrain from commenting on process participants.

However, it was the testimonies of Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, and Stormy Daniels, a porn star, that truly captivated Trump's political supporters. Cohen, who testified against his former employer, faced tough questioning from Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche and still stood firm. Another notable moment was Daniels' detailed recollection of her alleged sexual encounter with Trump, which didn't reflect well on the former president.

The judge appears to have lost his cool when a Trump-allied witness attempted to discredit him during the proceedings. Judge Merchan temporarily cleared the hall and threatened to remove the man from the stand.

Read also:

  1. In his closing statement, the prosecutor argued that Trump's alleged actions constitute a clear violation of justice and the law.
  2. The prosecution's focus in the trial has been on the illegal campaign financing related to the $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels.
  3. The USA's public prosecutor's office is seeking justice in this high-profile case, which has attracted global attention.
  4. If found guilty, Trump may face imprisonment or a significant fine, which could impact his future election campaigns.
  5. People across New York and the USA have been closely following the trial, with strong opinions divided along political lines.
  6. Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal attorney, testified during the trial, providing crucial insights into the hush money transaction.
  7. The jury's closing statement will mark the beginning of the deliberation process, which could impact the outcome of the 2024 presidential election campaign.
  8. Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over the trial, has maintained a strict courtroom environment to ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.
  9. Elections and the political landscape in the USA may be influenced by the outcome of this trial, with candidates pledging to uphold justice and fight against alleged crimes.


